Painful Madness

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It was 6am in the morning and I carefully turned sideways to sleep. I smiled happily since I felt more relaxed. I pulled the blankets over my body and shuffled. Snores were beginning to be heard. My eyes opened a little to see Alex snoring. I huffed and went back to sleep. Suddenly, pain rolled in my stomach. Ow, that feels awful. The pain kept rolling in which made me clutch my stomach. It hurt twice as much and I groaned in pain. Is the baby coming? I felt a little drop from between my legs. OMG! My water broke! I'm having this baby for real! I need to wake up everyone. I couldn't roll out of bed because the pain was unbearable. I groaned in pain every time I get a sharp feeling. My brain clicked. Zack! I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and texted him.

Belele💋👑: Zack, wake up!!!

It took a second until he answered back.

Zack🥰❤️: What??? Are u ok?

Belele💋👑: my water broke!!

Zack🥰❤️: WHAT??? Ok, hold on!

Belele💋👑: don't think I can!😫😓

I managed to hear his voice outside the door. "Get up guys! Bella's water broke! Get up!" He yelled. The living room lights flickered on and he pushed our door open. He turned on the bedroom light and saw me in shock. "Get up! Everybody get up!" He shouted. His loud voice awaken the girls. Kelly rubbed her eyes quickly. "What's wrong, Zack?" She asked. "Bella's having the baby!" He screamed. I wish he'd stop screaming but I'm in so much pain. I groaned in pain and rubbed my bump. He picked up my pregnancy bag and helped me out of bed. The girls raced out of bed to get dressed. "Oh my god." Leslie muttered. Alex smiled excitingly. "This is amazing! is." She said, yawning at the last part. We left the room and the guys grabbed their jackets. Slater huffed. "Hurry! Take her to the student hospital!" He told him. Zack nodded and picked me up bridal style. Slater took my bag and followed behind. We made a beeline to his car. Another sharp pain came. I groaned in pain loudly. "It hurts!" I whined. Zack kissed my forehead and put me in the backseat. He stayed beside me while Slater took the wheel. He started the engine and drove off. "Remember, take deep breaths." He told me. I nodded and breathed a few times. "Think happy thoughts. Think about meeting our little girl." He said in a soothing voice. I growled and squeezed his hand. "Ow! Ow!" He said repeatedly. "Happy thoughts?!" I shouted. I stopped squeezing and took more deep breaths. Slater parked in the driveway. "We're here guys!" He said. Zack opened the door and helped me get out. He wrapped the bag around his shoulder. Slater carried me and ran inside the hospital. Thankfully, they were still open. A lady behind the desk saw us and gasped. "What's wrong?" She asked. "My girlfriend's water broke!" Zack told her. The nurses came by with a gurney. Slater carefully laid me on it. "Damn it!" I whined. Zack held my hand as they raced me to the emergency room. Tears almost formed in my eyes. "Zack!" I said, my voice a little hoarse. He kissed my lips. "It's ok baby. I'm here." He said softly.



Zack made sure my necessities in my bag were still there. I was provided with breakfast and Gingerale. We was preparing to leave the hospital because why? False alarm. My water didn't really broke. It was a painful contraction. Sometimes I'll be having them until my water really breaks. It feels kinda scary but I'm ready for anything as long as we'll meet our angel. He sat on the chair and took a deep breath. "A long hour, huh?" He said. I chuckled. "Yup. I'm surprised you haven't got tired." I joked. He raised an eyebrow. "We woke up at 6am." He said. I smiled and rubbed his hair. "I'm really proud of you, Zack." I said. He was confused. "For what?" He asked. "Even though it was false alarm, you took action and helped me stay calm through this. That proves to everyone and your dad that you're mature and responsible. I admire you, babe." I told him. He smiled and kissed me. I melted in the kiss. We parted. "Thanks Bella." He said. I carefully rolled out of bed and already dressed in my clothes. We signed out and walked to the car where Slater was. He fell asleep behind the wheel. "Slater!" He called. He jumped and woke up. I rolled my eyes. He looked at me confusedly. "I thought her water—I cut him off. "False alarm." I told him. He nodded, starting the car. Zack was in the backseat with me as he drove back.

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