Mykonos Break Weekend Part 1

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Zack's been taking care of me due to my "sickness". This was becoming too much and I'm only a few weeks pregnant. Thankfully, I'm not showing...yet. He'd cook breakfast, lunch or dinner for me, hold my hair as I throw up and hand me food I'm craving. Especially clean my bed, keep up with our assignments as well. I appreciate everything he's doing. I'm just hopeful he'll take the truth better. After breakfast, we caught up with the gang in the cafe for coffee. Thankfully I wasn't craving much right now. I only wanted a good iced tea. Kelly sighed happily. "I'm so excited for spring break!" She said. Slater smirked. "Aye, me too. It reminds me of our days at Bayside." He said.
Somehow I grew interest of knowing their life at Bayside High. "What did you do? For spring break?" I asked. Zack smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist. "We spent the weekend at Palm Springs for Jessie's father's wedding." He said. My eyes widened. I remembered Palm Springs! My family spent a vacation there when I was fifteen. "That's cool! My family spent time there when I was fifteen." I told him. Leslie chuckled. "That's awesome, Bels." She said. Screech shrugged. "Hopefully we can do it again sometime." He said. Kelly nodded in agreement. Alex smiled excitingly. "Oh! Why don't we go to Mykonos? It's so beautiful!" She squealed. We smiled and cheered. "Alright, we're going to Mykonos!" Zack said. Slater raised an eyebrow. "Exactly how are we gonna go? We need money for plane tickets." He said. He smirked. "Leave it to me." He said. I nodded and pulled out my phone. I dialed Mom's number and put her on speaker. Everyone shared confusion. "Hello?" She said. I smiled. "Hey mom." I said. She giggled. "Hi, how are you?" She asked. I sighed. "I'm good. Me and my friends wanna spend spring break in Mykonos. Can you hook us up with tickets and a jet?" I said. All their jaws dropped in a good way. Mom cleared her throat. "Of course baby. You deserve the best college memories. Just give me a minute and I'll call you back." She told me. I nodded. "K! Love you!" I said and hung up. Everyone cheered excitingly and hugged me. Kelly smiled widely. "Oh my god! Thanks so much Bella! We're actually going to Mykonos!" She said. I laughed. "There's nothing I wouldn't do than to spend Mykonos with you freaks." I said. We laughed more. Us girls discussed what to wear, jewelry and finding cute guys in Mykonos. I already have my hot guy. Kelly and Clay didn't work out well and she broke off things with Professor Lasky. She deserves a week from men. Zack kissed my lips. "Anything else you need?" He asked. The cravenness for a drink returned. "A bottle of water please." I said. He nodded and got up to the lunch store. Leslie sighed. "Bels, anything on your health?" She asked. All their eyes laid on me once she asked. I smiled nervously and nodded. "It's going good! I'm doing perfectly fine." I told her. Everyone smiled in relief. "That's good Bella. You wouldn't have to stay home and miss the Mykonos trip." Screech added. Slater slapped the back of his head. He turned as if something hit his neck. I playfully rolled my eyes. I shouldn't stay home because one, they will get suspicious and two it'll be easier for Zack to find out the truth. Zack came back with a water bottle. "Here you go." He said. I smiled and drank the bottle. "So when are we going?" Alex asked. "Mom will call me once everything's planned." I said. She nodded in understanding. I felt someone's eyes were watching me. Weird. Maybe it's my hormones acting up. Slater checked his wristwatch. "Whoa, I have psychology class." He said. I checked my phone clock. "Me too." I said. Leslie nodded. "We all do." She added. We got up and headed towards psychology period. "Can you walk?" Zack asked. I chuckled. "Does it look like I need a wheelchair?" I said. He laughed. "Just making sure." He said. I laughed as we walked in the classroom.

Kelly POV
Something's weird about Bella. She always say she's getting better but if she is, why isn't she in class more often? Why Zack's still taking care of her? Mykonos will be amazing for my break from guys. I'm grateful Bella planned this trip for us. She'd be excused in class sometimes cause she might puke and crave different kinds of food. Again, weird. We were given an assignment and I was writing. Leslie was next to me doing the same. Zack of course busy flirting with Bella. I watched as she crossed her legs tightly. She took a few breaths and rubbed her stomach. Is she ok? What's going on? Bella groaned in pain. "You ok? Gotta puke?" Zack whispered. She nodded and raised her hand. Mr. Alonso motioned her to go to the bathroom. She got up and ran out. Me and Leslie shared confusion. "What's going on?" She whispered in my ear. I shrugged. "She told us she was getting better." I said. This doesn't make sense. Bella wouldn't lie to us about her health. What if she's getting worse? I'd die if anything happens to her. She's one of my best friends.

After class, Leslie managed to bring me and Alex in our dorm room. Bella was still out with the guys. Me and Alex sat on the couch. Leslie paced the room back and forth. She stopped and sighed. "Alright. There's something weird going on with Bella." She said. I nodded in agreement. "I know. She always say she's better but than there's the puking, she's not in class much and Zack's still taking care of her." I told her. "Not to mention she crave different foods." I added. Leslie scoffed. "How would you know?" She asked. I smiled. "I'm a student doctor. Last time, she ate pickles with an actual jar of peanut butter. These aren't cravings anyone would have." I said. Alex shrugged. "Ok, so what's really going on? If you ask me, maybe it's taking time till she gets better." She said. Me and Leslie nodded in disagreement. "It's not true! She pukes, not been in class much and visits the doctor every other week." She said. A moment of silence was present. Our jaws dropped with realization. I was right. We was right. Something's physically wrong with Bella. "Oh my god. Bella might be very sick." Leslie muttered in shock. Alex gasped. "Oh my gosh! I hope it's not cancer!" She shouted. We looked at her weirdly. "We know she's sick...but that's not why." I told her. The worse part is Zack has no clue. He'd be devastated once he finds out. We need a plan. "Guys, we need to do something." Leslie insisted. I sighed. "How? We're about to leave for Mykonos this week!" I said. Alex sighed. "We should talk to Slater and Screech." She said. Leslie huffed, crossing her arms. "Guess we need to figure it out ourselves. Maybe spy on her." She said. I sighed. "If that's fine with you, I'll do it myself. I know Bella more than Zack." I said. She patted my shoulder. "Let us know if anything's wrong." She said in a serious tone. I nodded and hugged her. She hugged back. Hopefully, nothing's seriously wrong with Bella and she's still healthy. The door flung open. Bella smiled excitingly. "Guess what?! I just got off the phone with my mom! She ordered seven tickets and we're taking a jet!" She squealed. We cheered and hugged her. She hugged back. "Yay! A jet!" Alex cheered. I laughed. We parted. "I never rode in a jet before. This is incredible!" I said. She nodded, smiling. "Our ride to Mykonos starts 8pm tomorrow. Let's start packing." She said. "Where's the guys?" Leslie asked. "They're having guys night today." Bella told us. I nodded. She rubbed her arms and yawned. I raised an eyebrow. "Are you ok?" I asked. She quickly nodded. "Yeah. Just really tired." She told me. We watched as she walked in our room to rest. If she's very sick then involves complete sleep. The girls motioned me to follow her. I playfully rolled my eyes. "She's going to sleep. I'll do it during the vacation." I said. They nodded and went back in the room. I crossed my arms as thoughts ran through my brain. Is Bella lying to us? It's freaking insane if she's lying about her fucking sickness.

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