The Birth of CJ Morris

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(This is CJ up top)


I slept sideways with blankets covering my body. I inhaled a deep breath, massaging my bump. Sleep has been very good to me throughout this pregnancy. I'll be more happier to get my body back. Thoughts reflected on the nursery. I'm sure Mom worked on it because she's made nurseries after we were born. Grandma helped as much without hesitation. Sharp pain rolled inside my body. This time it hurts twice as much. I groaned and clutched my legs. It felt like a needle pricking my stomach. I took deep breaths while the pain keeps rolling in. Suddenly, I felt giant drops fall between my legs. No contraction or morning sickness. My water broke. The awful pain struck, making me whine. I managed to grab my phone and texted Zack. Myself mentally prayed he'll answer.

Belele💋👑: babe, my water broke!!!

I waited a second until he answered back.

Zack🥰❤️: OH NO IM COMING!!!

He opened the door and turned on the lights. I breathed a breath of relief. "Are you ok?" He asked worriedly. I screamed in pain from another contraction. My voice awakened the girls. Kelly rubbed her eyes tiredly. "Is Bella ok? Her water broke?" She asked. He nodded, gathering all my bags. Leslie rolled out of bed and held my hand.
"It's ok! Breathe! Breathe!" She said in a soothing voice. I took deep breaths quickly. It easily stopped the pounding from the baby. Zack helped me off the bed and picked me up. "We got her things!" Kelly told him. The girls picked up my bags and we raced out of the room. I screamed, holding onto Zack's chest. He kissed my forehead. "Just take deep breaths." He said softly. Slater and Screech walked out of their room. They were wide awake. "Slater, give me her keys!" Zack begged. He nodded and handed him my keys off the counter. I continued to take deep breaths. Kelly massaged my baby bump. I groaned in pain. "Ow! Ow!" I whined. Leslie smiled happily. "Good luck, guys!" She said. Alex patted Zack's shoulder. "Can't wait to meet her." She said, yawning. I waved before being rushed out of the room. Morning sun was still rising. He rushed to my car, helping me get inside. He opened the door and got in himself. Within a second, another painful scream broke out. "Ow! Oh my god!" I screamed in pain. All Zack done was held my hand and whisper soothing words. He drove off to the hospital.

We came to the hospital. Zack helped me inside alongside my bags I needed for this important day.
We been waiting a long time for the arrival of our little princess. Three nurses and a doctor brought the gurney. "She's having the baby!" He told them.
The doctor nodded. "Let me take her!" He said.
They carefully laid me on the gurney. Awful pain hit my stomach again. I groaned in pain and grabbed Zack's hand. "Here we go!" I whined. He smiled excitingly and kissed my lips. Everyone rushed me to the emergency room and professionally prepared me in bed. A hospital gown, an IV on my arm, especially contractions kicking my ass. Zack rubbed my hair. "I'll call everybody. You got this." He assured. I smiled weakly. His hand didn't let go of mine. "Are you ready?" The doctor asked. I almost spoke until Zack did. "Wait! Our families are on their way!" He told him. I managed to take deep breaths as contractions come back and forth. Ugh! They better get here soon enough! His phone buzzed. He answered and ran out the room. My jaw dropped. Seriously?! I'm about to have this baby any second! One of the nurses raised an eyebrow. "Did he just leave now?" She sassed. I scoffed. "No shit. I'm still gonna hurt him." I growled. She nodded in understanding. Sharpest pain hit my stomach, making me scream a bit loud. "ZACK!" I screamed loudly. His voice was heard throughout the hospital.
"BELLA?!" He yelled. I groaned and took the deepest breath. "ZACK!" I screamed harder. In a minute, he came back with my sisters, Mom and Mrs. Morris. I breathed a breath of relief. Mom hugged me softly. "Aww, baby." She said in a soothing voice. Maya held my hand tightly. Zack caressed my cheek. "I'm so excited!" He whispered. I tried to laugh while sweating so much. The doctor smiled. "Now it's time." He said.

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