Knock Goes the Grandparents

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(Inspired by Brotherly Love😉)

We were in the living room, watching Christmas movies and eating lunch. Zack was busy on his phone. It must be about his new job because he searched online and talked to Dad. CJ was in my arms, drinking the milk bottle. I snapped a few pictures of her and shown everybody on groupchat. I kissed her cheeks. Soon Zack's phone buzzed again. I looked at him confusedly. He shrugged and answered. "Hello? Wow, it's been a while! She's ok! I'll tell her and see you next year." He said, smiling and hung up. I raised an eyebrow. "Who was that?" I asked. He smiled widely. "Lisa! She told me she mailed early presents for CJ! They're ones from the shower." He told me. Aww, Lisa is really sweet! I chuckled. "When are they coming?" I asked. Zack almost spoke until the door bell ringed. Daniel laughed. "Christmas came early!" He said, getting off the couch and opened the door. The mailman handed him two presents in red and white colors. I smiled excitingly. "Aww! Aunt Lisa got you presents!" I cooed, rocking CJ. She finished the milk and I placed the bottle on the end table. William shrugged. "Just put them under the tree." He told him. Zack scoffed. "No, she want us to open them right now. Seriously." He said in a serious tone. Our eyes widened. Wait, I can open presents early? Yay! CJ made a couple sounds and looked at the presents. Daniel was handed three more presents from the mailman. "How many did she make?" Bryana asked. Zack hummed in response. "Only five." He told her. I playfully rolled my eyes as Daniel closed the door. He helped him grab presents and set them beside me. Bryana smiled. "I can take her if you want." She said. I nodded, handing CJ to her. Zack sat next to me and cheered excitingly. "This will be fun!" He said. I laughed. He picked up a red-white present and ripped the wrappers off. I covered my mouth in shock. I pulled out this very cute outfit for CJ.


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"Whoa." The boys mumbled. It's entirely cute! I sighed happily. "She'll look gorgeous when she grow into this." I said. Bryana nodded in agreement. I shown CJ the outfit. She seem confused but mesmerized by the outfit. Zack looked at her in awe. "So pretty! She's beautiful in anything." He said softly. His words made my heart melt. Daniel gave me the second present while Zack opens the third. Mine had red and green stripes. Guess this is why Lisa's into fashion. She got creative taste. I teared open the wrap paper. Aww! Bryana laughed. "Look!" She told CJ. I playfully swung the beautiful snow globe.

A frozen snow globe!! This is too adorable! CJ smiled a bit, trying to touch the globe

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A frozen snow globe!! This is too adorable! CJ smiled a bit, trying to touch the globe. "Is that a Frozen snow globe?!" Zack asked, frantically. I laughed and nodded. I picked up the card from the wrapping paper. "All the money I made from the fashion institute, I bought her that cute globe. Everyone's obsessed with Frozen she would love it too. Merry Christmas, CJ from Aunt Lisa! :)" I read. "Check this out!" Zack told me, smirking. We shared confusion until he opened the small box. It shown a silver necklace embedded with my initials. I sighed happily. No words, just feeling blessed right now. He wrapped it around my neck and kissed me. I melted in the kiss. "There's two more left." Bryana recalled. "Kids! Your grandparents are coming by to see little CJ! Is everything clean?" Mom shouted from upstairs. Our jaws dropped. Oh no, Mom can't find out we have presents! She's a little strict about opening before Christmas. "We gotta get rid of this paper!" I panicked. Daniel grabbed the wrapping papers and shoved them in the trash can. Zack and I ran upstairs with the gifts and hid them under our bed. Mom was still in her room. We raced downstairs and flunked ourselves on the couch. I breathed a breath of relief. He did the same. Surprisingly, CJ watched with amusement. Bryana handed her back to me. Footsteps were heard as Mom came in the living room. We fake smiled. "Hey, Mom! Don't worry about the house our maid will clean it up." Daniel assured. She sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just been a long time since we seen them." She said. She sounded a bit sad and went to the kitchen. Zack looked at us confusedly. "What do you mean a long time?" He asked.

Meanwhile, we're back in our room and getting dressed for their arrival. Mom and Maya's watching CJ, William's wrapping up his gift for Kelly, Bryana is on the phone with her friends. I decided to save the last presents Lisa got for Christmas Day. "How come your parents don't speak about your grandparents?" Zack asked. I smiled sadly. "My grandma, Mom and Aunt Lana's mom had a rough past with them. Not with Mom but our Aunt Lana. They grew up religiously and Mom always stick with their rituals, especially rules, bible studies and more. She got to have a normal life for being the good sister. Friends, school, coming home before curfew. Aunt Lana felt she couldn't be a normal kid but she was popular in school because of her voice. She met our Uncle Jared and fell in love. They have six sons aka our cousins." I explained. He nodded in understanding. "What about your Mom?" He asked. I shrugged. "She met Dad in high school and graduated from college. They soon took up on Dad's parents company and here we are." I told him. He took a deep breath. "Wow, your family got history." He joked. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Aunt Lana and Uncle Jared hit a dark road. He became an alcoholic very early due to personal issues. He abused her so many times and force her to smoke. The boys were very poor, having to share one room together. Mom tried to get in contact with Aunt Lana but Jared made sure they wouldn't call each other. He thinks our parents didn't care and became rich beyond belief. Dad couldn't bring us to their home because of their dangerous situation.
One time, we invited them for Will's 12th birthday and he was happy cause Brad would come. Jared sneakily stole their priceless items and forced Aunt Lana to do the same. Grandpa, Dad's father believed he would steal everything so he told the security to check their pockets. Bam, all fell to the ground." I explained. His eyes widened. "He arrested them?" He asked. I nodded my head no. "They escorted them out of the backyard. William cried and so did all my siblings. They were scared, not of what happened but...Jared. It convinced Dad that they could not be trusted except their kids. Mom felt heartbroken because Jared ripped their relationship apart. They didn't have a choice. They lost contact with them but still talk to our grandparents. All Dad wanted was to not have us involved in a dangerous situation. Mom loved her sister even though she made mistakes. One day, she received a call from Grandma. Aunt Lana passed away due to lung cancer. The moment she'll never forget is visiting her in the hospital and reconnected with her." I told him. Tears were threatening to escape. Zack hugged me tightly. I hugged back. "She's a very strong woman." He whispered. I nodded. We parted. I sighed. "I just can't imagine how the guys felt. Losing her is twice as worse than dealing with their addictions." I said. He smiled softly. "What if you convince your Dad to bring your boy cousins? They can celebrate Christmas with you." He said. A bomb went off inside my head. I want them to come but Jared could follow them. I'm not risking anything for our daughter to witness what our family went through. I huffed. "Zack, I can't. Jared can follow them into this house. It happened before. I'm not letting CJ see what our family dealt with. As much as I want them to come...I can't." I said. He squeezed my hands to warm them. "Ok. I understand. I understand your decision." He said in a serious tone. I nodded and brushed my hair a few times. "Guys, grandma and grandpa's here!" Dad shouted. We smiled, racing out of the room.


Spending time with my grandparents is worth remembering. They are healed from Aunt Lana's passing and still smile everyday. I admired their strength so much. Them besides Michael saved my life. Grandma was now obsessed with CJ. They brought presents and hid them under the second tree. We watched home videos from when we were younger. Slightly embarrassing since Zack teased me about it. Last but not least; we took a nice family photo for the family album. CJ will experience these beautiful things someday.

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