Decisions, Decisions

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Zack hasn't said anything after I said three words. I'm mentally praying he won't yell or scream at me. Questions fulfilled my brain. What if Kelly's right? Zack is sometimes immature and being a parent is a big responsibility. My heart is not only for him but for a future as a mother. I waited patiently for his answer. Suddenly, he chuckled. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Pregnant? That's a really good joke, Bels. You totally got me!" He said, chuckling. Is he serious? He thinks I'm messing with him? I crossed my arms and sighed. "Zack, I'm not joking. Who would ever joke about that?" I said. He smirked. "Too much YouTube, huh?" He said. I rolled my eyes and growled. "Ok. Is it a joke that I've been contemplating about telling you since the trip? Am I joking when we got drunk at that party and had sex?! Is it a joke that I've been nauseous, tired and eating too much?!" I growled. He listened in confusion and shock. "What are you talking about? We had a few beers and Johnny took us to sleep in his room." He said. I huffed. "Exactly, Zack. The next week I started throwing up and it's why I stayed home when you guys hung out." I told him. It took him a minute to realize what I meant is true. His eyes widened, rubbing his hair. "Oh my god." He muttered. Tears were threatening to escape. "It's true. Why couldn't you believe me?" I cried. Zack scoffed. "Cause there's no way I could do something that stupid! Having sex while drunk? Only an idiot would do that!" He said. I got off the couch angrily. "Yeah! That idiot is you!" I shouted. He took a deep breath and got off the couch. "Look, I remembered us sleeping in and you told me you had the time of your life. I don't remember saying, 'hey let's have sex so I can knock you up!'" He growled through gritted teeth. That's it. I really had enough of his dumbness. He want the truth? He'll get it. I ran in my room and came back with my bag. I pulled out three pregnancy tests. Zack's jaw dropped as he stared at the sticks. "I bought them when I looked up my symptoms online. You know what's embarrassing? Carrying these in my purse because every time I see them, I think of how you'll hate me and leave me if you saw. Don't you know how fucking hard and embarrassing it was for me to hide everything?! All because I'm so scared of disappointing and upsetting you of everyone. I wanted to tell you so we can figure things out. I'm tired of standing alone in this." I explained. A moment of silence filled the room. Tears fell from my eyes. Zack looked up from his fingers. "Bella, I'm so sorry. I'm really really sorry. This is all my fault! If we hadn't drank, this wouldn't had happened. You wouldn't had to be keeping this a secret and stressing about if you'll be a parent. I don't know what to do right now. Being a mom and dad is serious business." He said softly. I wiped my eyes and cleared my throat. "It's my decision if I wanna keep the baby. I just don't wanna lose you whether I keep it or not. This happened to somebody before and I love you. Nothing like this should tear us apart." I said. He nodded in agreement. "I know. I'm in love with you, Bella and I wanna spend a life involving marriage and kids. But we're only eighteen and nineteen. How can we support ourselves and our child?" He said. I shrugged. "Guess we gotta start thinking of both decisions." I said. Zack nodded in agreement. I looked down and he pulled my chin up gently. He kissed my cheek and left the room. Thoughts ran through my mind as I sat back on the couch.


Class didn't resume till Tuesday. I changed into my pjs and laid in bed. I went on my phone and swiped through pictures of me and Zack. Especially ones of his birthday party. 'Parenting takes full responsibilities' I remembered what Professor Lasky said. Zack's right. We're only nineteen and eighteen so becoming parents is twice as important. Memories flooded my brain over being a mother someday. When I was little, I pretended to hold my teddy bear like it's a human baby. I would playfully tell Maya to be its babysitter while I buy it's baby food. I giggled at the memory. Someone knocked the door softly. "Come in." I said, sounding hoarse. It opened, revealing Leslie. She smiled warmly. "Hey. You ok?" She asked. I fake chuckled. "I'm great! Just moping on my bed after a rough fight with my boyfriend after whether or not to be parents." I said sarcastically. Leslie smiled sadly. "I'm really sorry. This is definitely a big decision to make." She said and sat beside me. "No shit." I muttered. She rubbed my back for comfort. "You both have a lot on your mind but you're gonna figure things out. You should think about yourself more though. You're the one carrying the baby so it's your decision. It's up to Zack if he wants to be in the baby's life or not. In my opinion, he should because the baby needs a father. There's changes that'll happen if you choose to be a mom." She advised. I nodded in understanding. "I wanna be a mom. It's one of my dreams and get married to the love of my life. I love Zack so much I'd marry him.
The problem is I don't know if I could move on from Zack if I keep the baby. We might choose different answers and break up because we disagreed." I said. Leslie patted my shoulder. Her phone buzzed. She picked it up and answered. "Hello? Yeah. Aww! I'd love to go! Bye!" She said and hung up. I watched in confusion. "What's up?" I asked. She smiled. "Remember Lasky told us we'll have an assignment on parenthood?" She asked. I quickly nodded. "Alex mentioned about visiting an orphanage to study parenthood. She would've dragged Slater along but he's not fond of having four kids." She told me. I chuckled and rested my head on my pillow. "That sounds good. I might wanna stay here and think." I said. Leslie scoffed. "No way! You can't stay and mope! It'll be fun to meet the kids!" She said. I sighed and rubbed my hair. She playfully rolled her eyes. "You don't see Zack moping around to figure out his decision." She said. Eh, it beats moping anyway. I smiled a bit. "Ok, I'll go." I said. She cheered and pulled me out of bed.

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