A Mom? Part 2

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I'm a complete mess since last night. I rolled out of bed groggily and yawned. I'm super hungry! I ruffled my hair and went to the bathroom. I did my morning routine and took a shower. I took a deep breath. My stomach rumbled. I can't tell if it's the baby or me. Pregnant? How could I be pregnant?! This can't be true at all. What will I do? I'll be a pregnant student at CALU? That's the shit college kids would love to talk about. What about Zack? How would he feel? Questions filled my brain which had me stressing a bit. I ignored my thoughts and went in the kitchen. I pulled out ingredients for pancakes and cups for orange juice. I turned on the stove and cooked the pancakes. I'm so freaking hungry, I need food. I'll just be throwing up after. I finished cooking and poured syrup on each plate. I immediately began eating and drinking. I smiled in delightful. A door opened. Kelly, Leslie and Alex walked out. Leslie smiled. "Morning, Bels." She said. Kelly raised an eyebrow. "Wow, you are a morning person." She said. They giggled. I chuckled nervously. "Yeah, that's me." I said. They started making their plates. "Morning ladies." A voice said. Slater, Zack and Screech came from their room. I waved and finished up my plate. "Anyone got physiology class?" Kelly asked. Me, Zack and Leslie raised our hands. Slater smirked. "Bella always ace physiology. Last time, she earned double A+" He said, popping the P. I playfully rolled my eyes. Kelly smiled. "Why you're so good at it?" She asked. I shrugged. "I had the class in high school." I said. Alex looked at me weirdly. "Hm, never heard of that school." She muttered. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. We continued chatting about the weekend and discussing whether to go to Post Malone concerts or Ariana Grande's. I'm hands down for being an Arianator. My stomach was feeling funny again. The food was coming back to my mouth. I raced out of the room which caught everyone's attention. I made a beeline to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I threw up some more. I heard the sound of the door shut. "Bella? Bella, are you ok?" I heard Leslie. I came out of the bathroom stall and washed my hands. I smiled nervously. "Yes, I'm fine." I said. Kelly crossed her arms. "Bels, stop lying. We know you're sick and you need the doctor." She said. Leslie nodded in agreement. "Yeah. You can't keep puking all the time." She said. I took a deep breath. "I guarantee you guys I will be ok. I'm not dying from a disease." I muttered. It took a minute till they responded. "Fine. If you're still puking, we're taking you to the doctor." Leslie said, pointing at me. I nodded and walked out. They followed behind. We got ready for first period. Zack texted me because the guys were already off to class.

Zack🥰❤️: hey, are u ok? :(

Belele💋👑: yes still puking tho

Zack🥰❤️: need the doctor???

Belele💋👑: lol I'll be fine

Zack🥰❤️: ok babe :(

I sighed sadly. I hated making him feel more worried over me. Obviously, everyone is. I just need to play this along and not get them suspicious. These are pregnancy symptoms but I want to very sure. We were in History class and thankfully, homework distracted me. Zack sat next to me. He smiled. I returned the gesture as I took notes. Professor Lasky was giving an assignment on Astrophysics. A lot more than that came from. William studied astrophysics but his explanation would annoy me. This was good timing with no stomach or baby symptoms. "Let's discuss parenthood. I know this has nothing to do with astrophysics but we'll be talking about parenting later this week. It's more of an exercise of becoming future parents." Lasky said. I groaned softly. Great, I'm the only one who might be carrying and I'll have to study babies. Kelly smiled. "Aww, we can talk about being moms or dads." She said. Zack shrugged. "It's a exercise for who wants to be parents someday." He said. Professor Lasky smiled a bit. "Let me ask you a question, Zack. Do you want to be a parent or live a lifelong marriage?" He asked. Zack looked at me for a minute then back at him. "I'd be a husband and father, sir." He said. Alex squealed happily. "Aww! I wanna be a mommy to my four children but one of them better have a successful acting career." She said. Slater raised an eyebrow. "Four?" He muttered. Professor Lasky clapped his hands together. "I'm sure some of you love to be caretakers and parenting takes full responsibilities. No matter how old you are, being somebody's mom or dad is serious." He said. All their chatter had me thinking. I need to know if I'm truly pregnant. If I am, the question is... I snapped out of my thoughts when my belly was growing in pain. Nauseousness. My legs criss-crossed as I tried to ignore the inflicting pain. Unfortunately, it was making it worse. Zack laid his hand on my shoulder. "Are you ok?" He asked. I quickly nodded. "Yup. Just a little worn out." I said through gritted teeth. The girls finally took notice, including Slater and Screech. The pain had me take deep breaths. "Bella? You ok? What's wrong?" Professor Lasky asked. I couldn't speak because finally, chunks of puke came out of my mouth. Everyone's jaw dropped and got off their seats. I threw up as I dropped to my knees. Zack stayed beside me. "Go get the nurse!" Lasky told Leslie. She left the room as I stopped puking.


I'm at the nurse's office. The puke got on my clothes so I changed. Zack and the gang waited outside the room. Why was I thinking? Kelly's right. I needed the doctor or this could get out of control. She walked in and smiled nicely. "Hi Bella. How are you?" She said. I sighed. "I'm good. Not mentally because I literally embarrassed myself puking and I knew there was something up with me." I said. "Really? What do you know what's wrong?" She asked. I took a deep breath. "I've been puking, nauseous, tired and eating everything in sight." I told her. She rubbed my arm comfortably. "Is your period late?" She asked. I began thinking for a minute. Yes, it actually is. "Now that I think of it...it has." I said. She pulled out her clipboard and studied the papers. "Thankfully, your symptoms were pretty clear to me since your period hasn't came. It's called morning sickness. Bella?" She said. My whole body went numb as she said those three words. "You are pregnant." She said. It's true. I was right all along. I'm carrying a baby and I'm having morning sickness. I huffed and covered my face. "How long are you?" She asked. I looked up from my hands. "Maybe two weeks." I said. She sighed, putting the clipboard under her arm. "I recommend you come for maternity, check-ups for the next few weeks if you're planning to have a baby." She said. I never even had sex with Zack. Unless...

We relaxed in his roommate's room and shared one bed. I turned sideways and smiled. "Zack, I had the time of my life." I whispered. He chuckled. "Me too." He said. I sighed. "Thank you for showing me a good time here...if only it never ended." I slurred. He smirked. "It can still happen." He whispered. I returned the gesture as we began making out.

Oh my god. I did had sex with Zack in the dorm when we were drunk. Tears formed in my eyes. This is my fault! Zack could freak out or be angry because he's not ready to become a father. What will our families think? Our best friends? The nurse patted my shoulder. "It's ok if this is a rough time for you. This happens a lot. My daughter had the same situation and she's now twenty. The reason she kept working hard is her child." She told me. I smiled sadly. "Is she with it's father?" I asked. I have to ask because whether I keep the baby, Zack will still be with me. "They're not together but he's making lots of time seeing him." She said. Aww, a him. I cleared my throat. "My boyfriend has no idea and I'm afraid he'll leave me or if I keep the baby, he won't be in its life." I said. She smiled warmly and held her clipboard tight. "A child is a big responsibility but the important thing is you're not alone. You have people who are here to help, especially me. He may not like the news now so give it time and he'll come around." She advised. Wow, I'm glad I met this lady. I smiled. "Thank you so much." I said. She lightly chuckled. "No problem. I'm sure all your friends are outside worried." She said. I got off the chair and prepared myself to leave. She handed me a schedule paper of when to come back.

I walked out of the office and the gang's still in the waiting room. Mike was there too. They saw me and sighed in relief. "Bella!" Leslie said. Everyone hugged me softly. One person left was Zack. He breathed a breath of relief and hugged me. I quickly parted. "Not too tight!" I said. He was confused. "Why?" He asked. I sighed. "I'll tell you later." I muttered. He nodded. Mike cleared his throat. "You ok Bella? I suggest you stay in bed and I'll give you assignments to work there. Is that fine?" He said. I nodded. "Sure! I don't want another puke incident." I said. We chuckled. Zack smiled and wrapped his arm around my neck. "And I'll be by your side till you get better." He said. I smiled nervously.

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