National Prank Wars

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Thanksgiving was lit! We enjoyed it very much together and really excited for Christmas. Zack was more ecstatic about going to see Neverland for the first time since Michael's passing. I'm more emotional because he's my lifesaver and I'll be living in the home everyone including him loved. We drove back to CALU after the break and continued school. It's now 2pm. We finished class hours but Slater needed to finish his shift. I'm bored as hell in the living room. The girls watched TV while snacking on a plate of fries. Zack brought me pickles, eggs and snicker bars. I'm gonna be relieved once these odd cravings stop. I should have some fun and not sit all the time because of being pregnant. My brain clicked. I got it! I smiled widely. The girls noticed my grin. "Why you're smiling Bels?" Kelly asked. "Because we're gonna have the most messiest, funnest day ever! Two words. Insane pranks." I told her. They shared confusion. "Doing pranks involving anything bizarre." I said. Leslie nodded in understanding. "Sounds cool! How do you play?" She said. Alex scoffed and smirked. "Leave the pranking to the experts." She sassed. Kelly raised an eyebrow. "Experts?" She asked. I nodded in agreement. "Yup! My siblings are pranksters but I'm the ultimate champion. I once decorated my sister's room with so much toiler paper and add worms into William's chicken soup when he was sick." I explained. They expressed shock and disgust over the worm prank. Kelly's jaw dropped. "That's insane! Was he ok?" She asked. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Yeah. He only puked three times but he's good." I said. She sighed. Alex smiled, ruffling her hair. "I'm an actress so I'm a master of disguise." She added. I chuckled. "I fully doubt you prissy queens can be devious." I said. Leslie scoffed. "Is that so?" She asked. Alex quickly nodded. Kelly smiled confidently and got off the couch. "Let's do prank war! Us vs you two! Whoever wins will..." she trailed off. I hummed in response. "Taste chicken soup filled with worms and crab legs." I said. "Eww!" They whined. I laughed, drinking my bottle of Pepsi. Me and Kelly shook hands on the deal. Alex shrugged. "Should we add Zack and Screech?" She asked. I nodded my head no. "Knowing Zack, he would take extreme precautions because I'm carrying." I told her. They nodded in agreement. On cue, Screech ran out of their room screaming with a rat snake on his arm. "Snake! Snake! Snake!" He screamed and ran around the room. We stepped back as the snake hissed a few times. "Help me!" He shouted, running out. I laughed and brushed myself off. "Snakes were the best idea." I said. They looked at me in shock. Kelly covered her mouth in shock. I sighed. "It's a harmless rat snake." I corrected. They breathed a breath of relief. Alex and I smiled at each other. Leslie cheered, holding her hand out. "Let the games begin!" She said. Alex nodded, shaking hers. Her fake hand fell off her arm. They screamed fearfully as Leslie kicked the hand away from her. We laughed and high five each other. We're so gonna win this!

Alex and I took a stroll around CALU. Surprisingly, it felt great being out though. Most of the students were still in class or at the cafe. We walked on the football field and admired the sunny glow. We talked about our plans for Christmas. My mom is crazy for Christmas! She decorates the whole house and adds two Christmas trees in the living room. Hanging up the tinsel, stockings, making sweet cookies and gingerbread houses, hot chocolate with marshmallows. Last but not least; one nice fireplace is all Beckham tradition. Our daughter will practically live in a Christmas movie once she experience all this. We went back inside and noticed a box behind our dorm door. It's blue with a sparkly purple ribbon. Alex smiled, admiring its features. "So pretty! What is this for?" She asked. I cautiously picked up the box and examined. "Hm, not sure. Let's go inside." I said, smirking. She opened the door and the girls was nowhere in sight. I shushed her with my finger. She was confused until she saw my devious smile. We quietly walked to our room door. I sat the box down and knocked two times. Alex opened the box before we ran off to hide. The box shown a paint grenade. It's filled with either red nor blue paint to explode. I threw a screwdriver at the box as Leslie's appearance was shown. The grenade blew up on her face. We laughed a little hard. Kelly's jaw dropped. "What?!" She said. I laughed. "Got you! You can't fool us! I've used a paint grenade when Bryana woke up in the morning." I said. Alex smirked. "That's right! We're the Queens of pranks!" She agreed. We smiled and high five. Leslie growled while blue paint was all over her. "That was low." She said through gritted teeth. Kelly fake smiled. "Just watch. There's more to come." She said. I fake pouted. "Aww, should I be scared?" I joked. Alex laughed wickedly as we left the room.


Me and Alex were watching Game Shakers on Nickelodeon. I never get tired of these shows. They're unforgettable including Victorious and iCarly. Alex was typing on her phone, smiling deviously. I chuckled. "What are you doing?" I asked. She smiled. "I downloaded a prank call app. It includes all the celebrities. I just picked Harry Styles for the idea. Kelly will believe he wants to go on a date until..." she trailed off. I raised an eyebrow. "Until what?" I asked. She almost spoke before somebody walked in. Kelly. Her phone buzzed. Alex screamed happily which agonized my ears. She quickly rushed beside her. "What? What's wrong?" She quickly asked. Alex smiled widely. "OMG! Harry Styles called! He wanna speak to you Kelly!" She fangirled. Her eyes widened. "What? He does?" She asked. "He asked about you! Answer it!" She told her. She took the phone and answered. "Hello? Oh my god! I freaking love you from 1D! What? What do you wanna tell me? Ok, I won't tell anyone." She said. The whole time I couldn't contain my laughter. A sound of a roaring beast was heard. She screamed fearfully and dropped the phone. We finally broke out laughing. Kelly looked at us and growled. "Ugh! I hate you both! Payback is coming!" She told us and stormed out of the room. We took deep breaths and giggled. I high five her and continued watching the show. She got off the couch. "Popcorn?" She asked. I nodded and she went to the kitchen.

5:00 came on the clock. The girls still didn't win against our pranks. I poured a bottle of hot sauce in Leslie's coffee, Alex switched Kelly's panties with someone's giant ones. I'm having the time of my life. I done the I Hate You prank and man, Kelly was pissed. The guys were enjoying the competition. Zack bought two packets of pizza and Sprite. The second packet was for me. We ate the slices and suddenly, everyone was silent in the living room. This is weird. What's going on? "Everything ok?" I asked. Zack huffed. "No! This jerk ruined my homework! It counts as 70% of my grade!" He growled at Screech. He scoffed, throwing the napkin away. "You would've ruined mine by cheating! You're always copying my notes back in high school!" He growled. Slater patted their shoulders. "Guys, relax. There's no reason to fight." He said. I nodded in agreement. Kelly slammed her fork onto the table which startled everyone. "You're such a hypocrite!" She growled to Leslie. She rolled her eyes. "I'm not! It's your fault! You can't even get a date your age! I say it again, it ain't my fault you're bad at dating." She sassed. Her eyes widened and put up the middle finger. Alex was shocked and confused altogether. Me? I'm more likely thinking. "Don't talk to me ever doofus!" Zack growled. "Eat a rat!" Screech yelled. Their argument broke out, making the girls fight even more. This doesn't make any sense. We're true friends, we wouldn' brain clicked. Looks like everyone planned a prank. I cleared my throat. "HEY!" I shouted. They stopped arguing and looked at me. I fake smiled. "Stop arguing. You guys are friends. You shouldn't be doing this. Let's cheer everyone up by a special song I'm gonna do. Be right back." I told them. Zack looked at me in awe. "Sounds sweet!" He said. I excused myself and walked back to our room. I pulled out my nerf gun filled with sticky string. I chuckled quietly. They must be cheering about beating me at the prank. I walked in and aimed toward everyone. They turned, making me shoot millions of sticky string. Kelly dramatically screamed and covered herself. I laughed and stopped shooting. Everyone was full of sticky string. "Got ya! You thought you had me? You can't touch the Queen of pranks! Considering it's 5pm, we won the battle. Make some chicken soup now." I said confidently. Their jaws dropped. Leslie and Kelly groaned, knowing they'll have to eat worms and crab. Alex smiled and fist-bumped. "VICTORY!" She cheered. I laughed, placing the gun on the couch.


After finishing dinner, everyone cleaned themselves up. I took a shower and changed. I relaxed on the couch drinking Hint Water. Zack sat beside me and smiled. "That was an incredible prank. We should work together sometime!" He said, smirking. I nodded in agreement. "Our girl will inherit the King and Queen's prank gifts." I joked. He chuckled. "Absolutely." He agreed. My phone buzzed. I checked and saw the reminder. I covered my mouth in shock. Our daughter's due date on December 5th. He rubbed my hand. "You ok?" He asked. I smiled happily. "Her due date...December 5th." I told him. His eyes widened. He hugged me softly. I chuckled and hugged back. She will be born after we buy Neverland. A real miracle. Happy tears fell from my eyes. We parted. Zack wiped a tear. "It's ok to be very happy. I wouldn't have this any other way." He told me. I smiled and kissed him. He kissed back and caressed my hair. We parted after a two-minute kiss. "I'll call everybody- he cut me off. "Wait! Let's make it a surprise! Trust me." He said. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Isn't Neverland the bigger surprise?" I asked. He smirked. "Just go with it." He whispered. I shrugged.

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