What Do Women Want?

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Next hour was first period. I gathered my books and notebook for English. So far I've met the guys Zack mentioned earlier. Screech and Slater. He's the one with muscled arms and mullet. Screech is the scrawny, Afro haired guy. The girls are really cool but Kelly and I is somehow closer. We come from big families, get straight-As and keep up with fashion too. She's not rich like me but is interested in becoming a doctor or nurse. That's awesome! She was the smart-cheerleader, I was the smart-loaded girl. We sat next to each other while Zack and Slater sat behind. Our teacher was Professor Lasky. The hot teacher they're all staring at. My type is not teachers because one, it's illegal and two, gross. I looked back at Zack. He smiled at me. I returned the gesture, before facing forward. He's so cute and not even a teacher. Professor Lasky explained the assignment and I was determined to write everything down. Leslie and Alex smirked. I was confused. "What?" I asked. "Somebody was smiling toward Zack Morris." Alex whispered. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Not me." I quickly said. Kelly scoffed. "You just did, Bels. Why you're lying?" She said. I madly blushed. "I wasn't staring at Zack, guys!" I said through gritted teeth. Someone cleared their throat. Our eyes diverted to Slater...and Zack who deeply blushed. It wasn't hard to figure out they heard. I faced forward and covered my face with embarrassment. "We have just entered the After movie." Alex muttered. I rolled my eyes as Lasky continued the class.

After class ended, I grabbed my backpack and followed the girls out. "Wait, Bella!" A familiar voice called. Zack. I stopped and saw him. He smiled. "Hey." He said. I looked up and giggled. "Hi." I said. "How's your first day so far?" He asked. I smirked. "So far the girls developed a crush on Lasky." I said. He chuckled. "I know. Do you like him?" He said. He stopped laughing once he asked me. I smiled. "Nope. My type is not teachers and it's gross to me." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "Why?" He asked. "I prefer guys who aren't too serious yet really fun. He's silly, smart and confident. He would treat me like a princess and make me feel...the S word." I said. He was confused. "S word?" He said. I smiled. "Sexy." I whispered in his ear. His jaw dropped, making a smirk. I laughed and walked to my next class.


You may think after that talk, I've developed feelings for Zack. I may really like him but I wasn't describing him as my soulmate. Kelly knew him in high school and he's had a million girlfriends. Even her too. Who cares? It was high school so it's over.
Anyways, classes made me hungry so we stopped at the cafe. I sat between Leslie and Alex as we ate lunch. I'm sure Slater and Screech found their spots to eat. I told the girls about my feelings for Zack. Shit! I'm a little unsure about telling Kelly because you know, she was his ex. I sighed. "What should I do?" I asked. They shared confusion. "What do you mean?" Leslie asked. "I haven't told Kelly I may like Zack." I told her. "Why?" Alex asked. I looked down in silence. They shared smiles. "Uh oh, someone really likes Zack!" Alex teased. I shushed them. "You like Zack! You like Zack!" They teased. Leslie covered her mouth to giggle. My cheeks burned red. "Kelly and Zack are not together anymore. Why should I worry about them?" I said. Alex shrugged. "I don't know. They used to like each other in high school. I wouldn't stop worrying about them getting back together." She said. Leslie sighed. "Just talk to him. I thought rich girls can win any guy." She said. I raised an eyebrow. Excuse me? Have they seen me? My sisters practically won all guys in high school. I scoffed and got up. "Whether I'm rich or not, this bitch got balls." I sassed. I strutted myself out while their jaws are dropped. I said it and I meant it. I'm not winning men because I'm loaded.

The door to our dorm was open. I inhaled a deep breath and walked in. Zack held a notebook and pen in mouth on the couch. I wonder what assignment he's doing. Thankfully, nobody's there. Perfect timing! I cleared my throat. "Hey blondie." I joked. He turned and smiled. "Hey, Bels." He said.
I sat beside him. "Just doing homework?" I said. He sighed. "Yeah. Unfortunately." He told me. I chuckled. "I used to get bored over homework too...till Bryana came with an invite to her friend's party." I said. He chuckled. "You skipped homework to go to a party?" He asked. I laughed. "It was one time. I'm surprised I got away and finished in class." I said. We laughed. "Doing homework means I could show people I'm not a dumb-rich girl they perceive me to be. I don't care about what's in my purse but what makes me happy." I said. Zack looked at me in awe. "Really? What do you wanna do with your life too?" He asked. I began thinking for a minute. Nobody never asked me that question. Maya, maybe but I didn't know what to say. I smiled. "I wanna do what makes me and other people smile. To have a heart full of hope and happiness. When I was younger, I took interest into music and written one about relatability." I explained. He smiled. "Music? I didn't know you could sing." He said. I chuckled. "A long story. I joined the 4ocean movement to help clean up trash in the oceans." I said. I pulled out my phone and showed him the instagrammed picture. "That's amazing, Bella. You're amazing." He said. I madly blushed. "Thank you." I said. A moment of silence was present. I sighed. "Zack, I have something to tell you." I said. He nodded. "Me too." He said. I took a deep breath. "I really like you. I don't wanna admit it because we just met yet it was a really good conversation. I also was nervous if you still liked Kelly." I told him. He looked at me in shock. "You knew about me and Kelly?" He asked. I sighed. "Leslie told me." I said. He smiled. "I did but I really like you too." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "If we're gonna be together, we should trust and be honest with each other. I've had guys who dated me because I'm pretty and rich. I don't wanna be that girl." I said. His hand intertwine with mine. "I'm not those guys and I'm over Kelly I promise." He said. I smiled softly. We kissed passionately. We parted. He smiled. "Bella Beckham, would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked. I playfully hugged him. He chuckled and hugged back. "I'd love to." I whispered.

That's what happened. The day we got together. It became the best four months of my life. Until...something happened.

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