Yoga & Karate Games

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My baby shower was finally over. Zack's parents arrived and brought gifts for us. The dorm room had many wrapping papers everywhere so we had to clean up. I once seen Zack's look turn mad while he talked with his father. He'd always tell me Mr. Morris is always strict when it comes to him. Sometimes my parents are. They take hard work seriously but supports me so much. He was probably upset about us getting drunk and having sex early. All I hope is they'll still love me once the baby arrives. The next day, I rolled out of bed and did my morning routine and took a shower. I walked back to the dorm room to cook breakfast. Zack, Slater and Screech was playing poker on the table with Johnny. He's been doing it since we came back from Mykonos. Me? I signed up for yoga to exercise during my pregnancy. I was dressed in workout clothing. He saw me and smiled. "Hey babe." He said. I waved, heading toward the fridge. Nothing but eggs and bacon. These people waste so much pancakes. I pulled out the pot and began cooking the food. "Hey, where you going?" Slater asked. I smiled. "Yoga class. I wanna keep these." I said, rubbing my abs. Zack smirked. "I love them abs." He flirted. My cheeks burned red while I dropped the food on my plate. Johnny chuckled. The door opened, showing the girls dressed in karate uniforms. They must've signed up for karate. Cool! Kelly smiled. "Hey guys! What you doing?" She asked. "We're playing poker." Slater answered. Alex smiled excitingly. "Ooh! Can we join?" She said. Zack scoffed. "Poker isn't for girls. It's more of a men's game." He told her. Men's game? Never heard of it. Leslie scoffed. "Are you kidding me?" She asked. I nodded in agreement. "I played video games with my brothers all my life. Call of Duty included." I sassed. Their eyes widened. Kelly giggled. "What's so manly about dummies betting on who could win money and not ladies?" Alex sassed. Slater raised an eyebrow in shock as I ate the food and grabbed my bag. I smiled innocently, kissing Zack's cheek and left the room. The girls followed behind. "You sure you'll be fine Bels?" Leslie asked. I looked at her confusedly. "What do you mean?" I asked. Alex shrugged. "You need us for baby purposes?" She guessed. I chuckled. "Nope! I'm going to Yoga class to relax and clear my mind by physically challenging my body. The shower preparations and the drama was too much." I explained. They nodded in understanding and said goodbye. I walked off to Yoga period.

In the classroom, there was people meditating and stretching on the mats. Two of them were pregnant which is surprising. I found a spot near them and laid out my mat. I sat and carefully stretched my arms and legs. It looks like the Yoga teacher hasn't arrived yet. I criss-crossed my legs and began to meditate. I inhaled a deep breath. A brown-haired woman in workout clothing came in and smiled. "Hey everyone! I'm Ms. Ellis and I'm your Yoga teacher. We'll be doing some stretching and workout poses. Let's get started." She said. She walked in front of everybody and placed her mat on the floor. Within a second, the relaxing hour began. I felt an extreme sense of calm. I sighed happily. Ms. Ellis demonstrated our back movement while carrying a baby. It was even more helpful because my back used to cramp when I turn sideways to sleep. Now meditation. I criss-crossed my legs with my hands on my lap. I took a deep breath. "There's nothing stressing you out, nothing to worry or complain about. Everything is clear in your path. A sense of beautiful healing." She said in a soothing voice. I smiled while my eyes are closed. "Wow." I muttered. Suddenly, someone's phone buzzed. Everyone stopped meditating and looked around. I realized the sound came from my bag. Ms. Ellis smiled sweetly. "Do you need a minute, Bella?" She asked. I nodded, pulling out my phone. I excused myself and answered. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Bella, just wanna know when's the maternity testing?" Zack asked. I rolled my eyes. "Tomorrow." I quickly said. "Yup! I totally knew that." He lied. I sighed. "Zack, I'm in the middle of relaxing to take my mind off stressful things. Things like you forgetting the maternity test!" I said, growling at the last part. "Sorry. Talk to you later! I need to find Mike a date." He said and hung up. Why is he finding him a date? I don't even wanna know. I dropped my phone in my bag and sat down. Ms. Ellis continued the class. Thoughts went through my mind about Zack. He just forgotten the maternity test is tomorrow. It makes me a little concerned if he'll forget our daughter's due date. I know he's taking this very serious but hopefully it's just all in my head.
Mostly I can't wait for the gang to know her name we picked out. I snapped out of my thoughts and relaxed on the mat. Someone tapped my shoulder. I thought it was just someone bumping into me till I heard "Bella! Bella!" Alex whispered. I groaned softly. "What's up Alex?" I asked. "Me, Leslie and Kelly are fighting over the very hot karate teacher. He's got long hair and dazzling eyes—I cut her off. "What's this got to do with me?" I sassed. "I'm asking for your opinion. Do you think I'm perfect for him? By the way, Leslie and Kelly doesn't know I'm here." She said, whispering the last part. I almost spoke till more familiar voices came in. Leslie and Kelly. It awaken everybody from meditating. "Bella, who do you think belongs to Mr. Hammer? Me or this witch?" Leslie asked, referring to Kelly. I opened my eyes and crossed my arms. Alex stuck her tongue out. "Sorry sweeties! She said it's me!" She growled. Their jaws dropped in shock. "You said it's Alex?" Kelly asked. I scoffed. "No. I wouldn't do that to Slater." I told her. Alex covered her mouth in shock, remembering her boyfriend. Leslie smiled. "Exactly! Looks like he's all mine." She agreed. Kelly scoffed. "No he's mine!" She shouted. This resulted into an argument over a teacher who's way out of their league. I got up and grabbed my bag and left the room. Surprisingly, they followed asking for my opinion again on Mr. Hammer's match.

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