Welcome to CALU

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My two suitcases were opened as I stuffed each of my things in there. My accessory bag had my makeup, earrings and hair materials. I zipped the second suitcase and zipped the first one. "Cmon, Bella you can't be late!" Mom yelled. My eldest sister Maya walked in. She smiled. "Can I just say I'm proud of you?" She said. I chuckled. "It's just college, M." I said. I have three sisters. One the eldest is Maya, the second is me and third is Bryana. Maria's our little sister. William's our big brother and Daniel's our little bro. She sighed. "I know. It'll be one year there and maybe you'll get a spot in mom and dad's company." She said. Our parents own an electronic company involving iPads, iPhones and MacBooks. It explains the rich girl deal. We don't care much about being famous nor rich though we have gizmos and gadgets. I packed up my MacBook and phone. "Alright, William's downstairs to help." She said. I nodded and brought my bags downstairs. William hugged me. I smiled. "Good luck." He said. "Thanks. Please help I'm struggling." I whispered/yelled. He chuckled and took one suitcase. Soon all my sisters came for a group hug. I laughed. "I'll miss you babes." I joked. Maya raised an eyebrow. "I'm not the babe, Bryana's the 'babe'." She said. Bryana rolled her eyes. We parted as we walked outside to my car. A red Subaru in the driveway.

A seventeenth birthday gift after I accidentally crashed the last one during my party

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A seventeenth birthday gift after I accidentally crashed the last one during my party. William helped put my bags in the backseat. I smiled and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged back. "Bye weirdo." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "Weirdo? You're the science geek." I said. He playfully rolled his eyes. I got in the car and pulled away from the driveway. He waved as I drove off. The new phase of my life was beginning to start.

After the ride, I parked of where California University stood. I got out the car and brought my suitcases out. I inhaled a deep breath and walked inside. Millions of kids were back and forth, settling in the dorms. I needed to find my dorm room and sign up for classes. Wow, lot of shit. The orientation took place in their big cafe. Everyone was signing up for classes it has. My eyes diverted to English, Chemistry and history parts. Perfect! This will be a long hour. I waited in line and signed myself for those classes. Chemistry runs through my family because my parents does technology through chemistry. I overheard some people talking. "Who's the person with that lit Subaru?" One asked. "I don't know, maybe he or she's rich." Another said. I grabbed my suitcases and before I knew it I bumped into somebody. "I'm so sorry!" He said. I nodded my head no. "It's my fault. I wasn't looking." I said. He helped pick up my bags. Our eyes made contact. He had soft blonde hair, sparkly brown eyes and wide abs. Not to mention he's tall. His smile was really beautiful. "Are you new here?" He asked. I chuckled. "Aren't you?" I joked. We both chuckled. "I'm Zack Morris." He said. I smiled. "Bella Beckham. It's nice to meet you." I said. He smirked. "You too. Did you hear about this girl with a Subaru in the parking lot?" He said. I smiled innocently. "That's cool. That girl was me." I said. He looked at me in shock. I laughed. "Really? That's your car?" He asked. I nodded. "I'll explain later. I need help finding my dorm room." I said. He grabbed my schedule paper and skimmed through it. "Cool! You have one with me, Screech and Slater." He said. They must be his friends. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Hopefully, there's girls next door." I said. He flashed his cute smile. "Oh there is." He said. I rolled my eyes and followed behind.

We came to our dorm room and he opened the door. He got to know me along the way. I walked inside and looked around. Hey, it looks pretty nice. Not too flashy, not too fancy looking. "Are you new to this? Have you been to a lot of fancy places?" Zack asked. I nodded. "Yeah. I'm glad this one in college is different." I said. I didn't tell him about my parents's company because I don't want him to think I'm a spoiled rich girl. "The girls's dorm is on the left and our dorm is the right." He said. I smiled. "Thanks." I said. He scoffed. "No prob, Bels. Can I call you Bels?" He said, smirking. My cheeks burned red. I chuckled. "Fine." I said. I made my way to the girls's bedroom. It's already mascaraed with belongings from my roommates. There's one empty bed next to the one with stuffed animals. No offense, are we still 12 years old? Across from these beds are two more. This meant I'll be sharing a dorm with three girls. I opened my bags and began unpacking. I have a lot of things in here. The perks of being rich. Two girls walked in and shut the door. They were talking at the same time. One with reddish short hair whined. "There's no classes for acting! I'm actress in training!" She said. The other with puffy blonde hair sighed. "Alex, lighten up. I'm sure there's other activities." She said. I cleared my throat. They stopped chatting once their eyes laid on me. I smiled sweetly. "Hi, I'm Bella. Your new roommate." I said. The blonde girl smiled. "I'm Leslie!" She said. Alex ruffled her hair while staring at the mirror. "Alex." She said. I chuckled. "I know. I heard your name." I said. They giggled. "Do you need help with classes?" Leslie asked. I nodded my head no. "I already did and Zack helped me find the dorm." I said. Their jaws dropped. "You met Zack?" She asked. I smirked and crossed my arms. "Duh. Blonde, brown eyed and tall." I told her. Leslie sighed. "Is the other roommate with you? Someone with the name Kelly?" She asked. I chuckled. "She's the roommate with so much stuffed animals? Cliche." I said. Alex was confused. "Cliche? You sound rich." She said. I sighed and shrugged. "I may be the girl with the red Subaru." I said. "Wow, does your parents known five-star mansions and lives next to Katy Perry?" She asked, eyes filled with wonder. Me and Leslie laughed. "Nope! Just an electronic company involving the iPads, iPhones and MacBooks etc." I said. She nodded in understanding. I continued unpacking and pulled out my MacBook. "Can you get me a MacBook?" Leslie asked. I chuckled. "Maybe if I'll pay you." I joked. She raised an eyebrow, knowing I'm joking. Then on, we talked and started to become really good friends.


My part of the room was done. I smiled to myself and admired the decorating I done. "Gorgeous." Alex exhaled. I chuckled and flunked myself on the bed. The door opened, revealing a thin brown-haired girl. Her smile was indeed amazing. Her body's the image of an model. If looks were a prize, she'd win. "Hey guys!" She said. I'm guessing she's the Kelly girl. Leslie waved and so did Alex. "This is Bella! Our fourth roommate and she's the girl with the Subaru outside." Alex introduced. I rolled my eyes. "You don't have to mention that all the time." I said. Kelly smiled sweetly. "Hi, I'm Kelly and this is great! There's four of us here." She said. Wow, she's so nice. I wonder if she was the perky girls in high school. "Where are you from, Bella?" She asked. I smiled. "Los Angeles. I'm the second oldest of three sisters and two brothers. My parents own the gizmo-gadget company meaning iPads and MacBooks. It explains the rich girl deal but I rather not be labeled." I explained. "That's a lot of siblings." Alex said. Kelly scoffed. "Me too! I have a little sister, two little brothers and an oldest brother. Every day's a- "Circus." We said in unison. We giggled. I smirked. "You and I will get along just fine." I said. She laughed. "Boy, are we lucky?" Leslie muttered. Alex looked at her and smirked. I playfully rolled my eyes and chuckled.

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