Futuristic Dreams

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Tonight we got back to our dorm and said goodnight to each other. I changed to my PJs and wrapping my hair in a bun. Kelly turned off the nightlight. Her alarm clock stated '8:30pm.' Everyone was clearly exhausted. I'm pregnant so I would be extremely tired. I smiled and drifted off to sleep. It seemed peaceful and quiet. I enjoyed performing in front of everybody. I didn't have the courage at my old school because they knew me as the 'Slutty Rich Chick'. Most importantly, me and Zack's future is brighter. We'll have good jobs, raise our princess and move to Neverland. The world disappears as a dream form in my sleep.

Morning sun arose in the curtains. I opened my eyes to see the beautiful brightness. It made me warm. I turned sideways to see my husband, Zack. He smiled, stroking my hair. "Good morning my beautiful wife." He mumbled. I madly blushed. "Morning, baby." I whispered. We shared a morning kiss and rolled out of bed. We did our morning routines and took showers. My brain clicked. I smiled widely, remembering our daughter. Zack chuckled. "She's not awake yet." He told me. I walked out of the room to find hers. The door was half-opened. I slowly opened and saw her asleep with pink blankets over her. Wallpapers of Disney Princesses was on the walls. She stirred for a bit and slept. I shook her gently two times. "Wake up, cutie. Wake up." I whispered in her ear. She stirred awake and smiled. "Good morning, mommy!" She said. She jumped into my arms. I laughed and hugged her. "What about me?" A voice asked. Zack was standing in the doorway. She saw him and smiled widely. "Daddy!" She said, running into his arms. He picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Hey! How's my sweet girl?" He asked. Our princess giggled. "Good! I wanna go on the rides!" She cheered. We laughed, knowing we're in Neverland and have an amusement park. I smiled happily. "Sure, baby. Sure." I told her.

The dream made me smile. I rubbed my bump repeatedly and imagined us having great times with our baby in Neverland. My Aunt once showed me pictures of herself at Neverland. She met Michael and told stories of they would sing and dance to his songs. Watch his films of course. I took a deep breath and went back to sleep.

Me, Zack and our daughter were taking a stroll around Neverland. The wonderful views gave happy vibes. She rode two rides and ran into the big train.
"Daddy, mommy cmon!" She said, pulling my arm. He laughed. "Ok, don't break mommy's arm!" He joked. We raced to the giant red train and Zack turned it on. We took a seat together as the train started going. "Yay!" She cheered. It went Choo! Choo! which made her laugh. We rode around the beautiful gardens. Zack and I held hands. He smiled. I returned the gesture. "Look, sweetie!" He said. She watched the train go pass the carousel. I studied her face and knew it'll be the next ride. The train stopped and we got off. She covered her stomach, groaning. Zack bent to her height. "Aww, someone hungry?" He asked. She quickly nodded. I smirked. "You ate food so what about candy?" I said. She cheered, jumping up and down. We chuckled. He smirked. "Candy's in the theatre, let's go." He said. I picked her up and we walked back inside.

I shifted myself and smiled in my sleep.

Zack POV
Phew! Me and Bella had much work to consider. Not just work work but finding a house. It was easy because we're getting Neverland! When I was younger, me and the gang always talk about wishing to go meet Michael and ride those amazing rides. Now I'll do that with my wife and princess. Yup. I thought about marrying Bella. I love her so much and being with her changed my life. The day I find out she's carrying my baby, I was honestly speechless in a good way. I planned to propose on Christmas because Thanksgiving don't seem the perfect proposal time. Rides, candy, zoo, gorgeous things and my family is surely the dream. I turned sideways as a dream goes in my head.

We were eating candy and watching Moana in our giant theatre. A movie my princess picked out.
She sat between me and Bella. I held the box of popcorn while they ate a couple snacks. She sang 'How Far I'll Go' and 'You're Welcome' loudly. She's so much like her mom which is adorable. Bella motioned me to pass the popcorn. I handed her the box while my eyes glued to the screen. "Can I have some?" I asked, referring to the Taffy our baby had on her lap. She smiled and gave me the bar. I looked at her in awe. "Aww, thank you." I said. "You're welcome!" She said, smiling. So cute! I kissed her forehead. My phone buzzed. Dad was calling. I excused myself and got off the chair. Our talk ended up in a argument. I stood on the doorway, huffing. He fought with me about not telling him our home is Neverland. Why does it matter to him? It's our decision, my decision for my family. I looked up to notice Bella looking solemn at me. She whispered in princess's ear and got up from her chair. She was still watching the movie. Bella walked up to me and hugged. I couldn't help but hug back.

I instantly woke up from the dream. It started off really good until my Dad was brought up. What if it's true? What if he'll never support our future? I shouldn't care because it's my life. Though I hope he'll be apart of it like everybody else. I carefully got down the bunk bed and left the room. I went to the kitchen and poured myself glass of water. The girls's door opened, revealing Kelly. She saw me and smiled. "Oh, hey Zack." She said. I returned the gesture. "Hey, Kel. How are you?" I asked. "Good. I felt thirsty so I needed a drink." She told me. I poured another glass and handed it to her. She thanked me and we sat on the couch. "Why are you awake at 1am?" She asked. I huffed, thinking about the dream. "Bad dream." I muttered. She looked at me worriedly. "What happened? I'm sure it's nothing." She said. I drank my glass and sighed. "The dream involved me, Bella and our daughter having such a good time at Neverland. A really great time. I had a call from my Dad and we started arguing over not telling him about the house. All Bella did was hug me...then I woke up." He explained. She patted my shoulder. "Aww, Zack. I'm so sorry. Maybe he'll warm up if he doesn't approve." She said. I rolled my eyes. "But that's the problem, he wouldn't approve. He could think this is a terrible idea and I'm not doing a good job being responsible. All I want is for him to accept this is what I wanted." I said. Kelly scoffed and smiled. "Zack, you are responsible. You take care of Bella, do school and finding houses after college. There is no doubt that little girl will be lucky to have a dad like you. You're very confident and you wouldn't let anything get in the way of what makes you happy.
If your parents can't accept this, then that's their loss. It's your future and you control it." She said. Whoa. It felt good coming to Kelly for advice. She always knew what to say. I smiled warmly. "Thanks so much, Kel. I needed it." I said. She nodded. "I'm here if you need me. Besides I'm Aunt Kelly." She joked. I playfully rolled my eyes and chuckled. She giggled, drinking her water.


Bella POV
It's 7am and I'm sure everybody was awake. I wasn't because I was still asleep. Mike gave me the day off due to pregnancy problems. Like saving enough sleep. I smiled as a precious dream comes in my mind. Hm, I really love these dreams. Zack is probably cooking me breakfast right now.

I laid on the grass, admiring the colorful flowers in sight. Neverland is so beautiful. Sunlight shone across the land. This was really a place to forget all your problems. It made me feel right at home. My siblings come here every year to have so much fun, even visit our daughter. Michael would be smiling at me from above. I snapped out my thoughts when she wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled widely. "Hi, cutie!" I said. She giggled. "Hey mommy! Wanna ride the carousel with me?" She asked. I quickly nodded and got off the ground.
"Where's daddy?" I asked. "Working!" She told me. We found the carousel. I carefully put her on a horse and hopped behind. The owner smiled nicely, turning it on. All horses went up and down while rounding around. She kept giggling. I started laughing, enjoy we're going on circle. After two minutes, the ride stopped. I smiled at the owner and got off. I carried her in my grasp. She yawned, resting her head on my shoulder. Hint; nap time. I rubbed her back soothingly as we walked back in the house.

Smells of pancakes and bacon woke me. I rubbed my eyes repeatedly. Zack smiled, setting the plate on the bed. I carefully got up. I smiled brightly at the sight of breakfast. "You are so amazing. No guy has never brought me food. I love food!" I cheered. He chuckled. "The only best boyfriend and future father. His name is Zack Morris." He flirted. I madly blushed and demolished the food. He took a deep breath. "Can we talk?" He asked. I shrugged. "Anything!" I quickly said. "I've had dreams about living in Neverland! We were so happy and our daughter was really cute! It's crazy this is gonna happen for real." He quickly told me. My eyes widened over how he easily got everything out. I smiled. "I've had them too! Like before you walked in! It was so beautiful! Everything was so good. I indeed was happy and will be. All we have to do is finish class, see the house and prepare for this one's arrival." I said, rubbing my bump. He nodded in agreement. "I'm excited for Christmas. You know, seeing my mom..." He trailed off. I sighed sadly and remembered his issues with his Dad. He'll obviously spend Christmas without him. My brain clicked. "Would you and your mom like to spend Christmas with my family?" I asked. His jaw dropped. "You're sure?" He said, smiling. I nodded. He smiled and hugged me. I laughed and hugged back. We parted. "Thank you so much." He said softly. I shrugged. "You don't have to! I love you and you're practically part of the family." I said. He caressed my hair and kissed me. I melted in the kiss. A toaster oven went off with a ding. We quickly parted. "What's that?" I asked. He smirked, running out and coming back with plate of toasts with syrup. I smiled delightfully. He laughed. Best. Morning. Ever.

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