Scenario~ What They Love About The Holidays

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Hey it's me LOL, I hope everyone had a good holiday season and I hope everyone has a good new year!

Also thank you so much for 600+ reads that's crazy even more so because I don't really update much in this book. Plus thank you so much for getting #100 on the nonfiction page!!!!!

IM SORRY IF YOU DON'T CELEBRATE ANY HOLIDAYS (I know some people who don't) I you don't you can totally go ahead and skip this one if you want.

Jumin: What he probably loves most about the holidays is not having to work, even if he is always taking days off work. He also probably loves to cuddle with his s/o when it's cold outside. Plus cuddles means that Elizabeth the 3rd gets to join in on all of the fun. A happy cat and s/o means there's going to be a happy Jumin.

Zen: Let's be real he probably loves the parties that come with the holidays. It's a time where he can let loose and forget about being a celebrity. He also probably loves getting to spoil his s/o with buying them random gifts whenever the heck he wants and upon giving it to them he says "it's the holidays just have it" to justify himself.

Jaehee: She probably has never really celebrated the holidays before and then when she started working for Jumin she probably never has the holidays off. Her s/o would have to call up Jumin and demand that she gets a day off during the holiday season. Once she finally gets into what the holidays are about she will probably love giving gifts to people but not receiving them. I think she would be too awkward to receive anything but she loves giving others gifts just to see them smile.

Yoosung: He loves getting gifts! He's a man child let's be honest, whenever it's his turn for a gift you know he's going to be all giddy inside. Not only does he love getting gifts though, he also loves getting to see his mom. Even if sometimes she can be a bit much he still loves visiting her on the holidays. He will also love cuddling with his s/o by the fireplace whenever he can.

Seven: He loves getting gifts, but not as much as Yoosung does. He created a game where he has to shake the box and guess what's inside and whenever he gets it's right his s/o has to kiss his cheek. I also think because he's such a big softie on the inside that he would love to drink hot coco with his s/o and sit by a fireplace together watching the snow fall outside.

Saeran: He doesn't have much experience with holidays, with a crappy childhood and then being with Mint Eye for a while. His s/o introduces some holiday festivities and at first he doesn't enjoy them but eventually he warms up to the idea. He probably loves hot coco and he definitely loves snow ball fights. If he accidentally hurts his s/o then he's done with them for the rest of the year.

Vanderwood: What are the holidays? This dude probably doesn't care about them even if his s/o were to explain them to him. He might enjoy some cuddle sessions once and awhile though.

V: I feel like V would love almost everything to do with the holidays. He loves gift exchanges, he loves cuddling, he's love hot coco, but he really loves playing in the snow. I think V is a child at heart and would never miss a chance to play in the snow with his s/o. He will go outside and build forts or igloos and if his s/o is up for it V will make them have a snow ball war.


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