Scenario: When You're Sick

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A/n: Hello folks, just wanted to start small because I just returned.

Jumin: He would definitely take the day off just to be with you. He would also give all of his work to Jaehee, but you would scold him for that once you felt better. He would still cuddle with you and be very lovey, even if you told him to stay away so he won't get sick too. He wouldn't definitely end up sick a few days later.

Jaehee: She would still have to go to work so before she leaves she would pester you and make sure you know to stay resting. Once she returns for work she will for sure be by your side the whole time, doing anything and everything she can to make you laugh or feel better.

Yoosung: He would even stop playing lololol for you. He would shut off his game right once you said your not feeling well. Even if he doesn't know how to cook he will still do everything in his power to make you feel better. He would also totally freak out.

707: If it were something serious he would shut off his computer and help you feel better but if it's just a small bug or cold he would simply tell you to get rest. It's not that he doesn't care but he has work to do and he knows that you'll be okay.

Zen: He wouldn't go near you, he doesn't want to risk getting sick. He would probably call Jaehee to ask her if there is anything he can do to help. Even if he won't go near you he still wants you to feel better. He would act like you have the plague until you're 100% better.

Vanderwood: Once you told him you're sick he would act calm on the outside but would secretly be freaking out on the inside. You would have to consistently remind him that your okay and not going to die. He would probably try staying away from you but in the end you both end up cuddling together per your request.

V: He's probably the most normal and calm out of everyone. He would lay you down and keep a good distance away from you. Not for his sake but yours because he doesn't want you to have to take care of him if he does get sick. You would definitely feel better faster with V taking care of you than with any of the others.

Saeran: He wouldn't know what to do at all, with his bad childhood he never had someone take care of him when sick. He would call Seven and ask him what's wrong with you. After Seven explains he would make soup for you and make sure you lay down. He would act like he doesn't care but everyone knows he deeply cares about you.

YAY THANK YOU FOR 190+ READS! Even if I was on hiatus for a bit that still means a lot!

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