Saeran x Reader- Stay (fluff)

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A/n: this may spoil one or more routes so beware and this takes place after the said routes take place.

Prompt: "Wait, don't pull away..... not yet"

It's been a long road for you and Saeran between Mint eye, and both of you being in the RFA now, you don't exactly have a lot of free time. Planning parties and taking care of Luciel (707) is a lot of work. So when you do finally have a break you both enjoy spending it together whether it's just cuddling or going out to get ice cream (though he'll never admit it). This time you found Saeran on the couch so naturally you went up to him and snuggled into his side leaving him very flustered. " are you doing" he squeaked out. "I'm just tired so I wanted to snuggle." "Hmph fine whatever" Saeran says scoffing. You roll your eyes and smirk because you know he secretly enjoys your cuddles. You sit there and chat for a while until you hear Saerans stomach rumble and his face become very red. "Sor....sorry!" "It's okay let me go make some food for us" your about to stand up when Saeran grabs your wrist and pulls you back down into his chest. "Wait, don't pull away....not yet" he mumbles. "But your hungry Saeran!" "My stomach can wait we can simply get ice cream later." "Pfttt okay Saeran, okay. We can lay here a bit more" so you snuggle back into his side and close your eyes.
You and Saeran cuddle for what feels like hours until his hunger is too much for him and you have to get up. You both put on your coats and start walking towards the ice cream parlor hand in hand. When reaching your destination you decide to pay this time and order the ice creams. Walking up to the friendly clerk you order and give them the money. "Have a good day" they yell as your leaving the store. "Thank you" you yell back and start eating your ice cream. "Saeran can we go sit in the park?" You've always loved the park, the birds singing and the beautiful blue sky's it simply can't compare to anything. "Sure, I saw a bench that we passed. Let's sit there." You both sit down at the bench and watch the the world around you. The children running around playing, the birds chirping, and the calming sounds of water and wind. "I could spend forever like this" you state. "So could I, but I could always spend forever with you" Saerans voice dies at the end but you still hear it and beam towards him. "I love you!" "Yeah yeah.... love you too." You spend the rest of the day in the park eating ice cream with the most important person in your life.

Word count: 452 ish (I'm bad at math)

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