Scenario: When You Cry

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A/n: Remember this story has slow updates now ❤️😁

Jumin: If he sees you crying he will probably want to cry too, even if he normally has a very calm and collected demeanor. He's just a big softy so he would skip out on work (poor Jaehee) and just cuddle with you all day while speaking soothing words to you.

Jaehee: She would probably be surprised when she first sees you crying. I honestly think she would beg Jumin for a day off so she can comfort you. She would ask you what is wrong and when she finds out she will do everything for you for the whole day to either sooth you or fix the problem (depending on what the problem is).

Yoosung: He would for sure freak out when he finds you crying. He would frantically look around the room trying to figure out what's the matter. After he calms down he would pull you into a bone crushing hug as he awkwardly pats your back. It's not that he doesn't want to properly comfort you he's just too scared. Eventually he would be able to comfort you as you get over whatever you were crying about because your laughing at an awkward Yoosung.

Zen: He would for sure be the most dramatic about it. He would go on and on about how he has to save his princess and how you should never feel the need to cry. He would ramble for a bit forgetting to actually comfort you but by the time he remembers your full on laughing at his speech. He would definitely laugh along with you, then hug you.

Seven: He would probably be the only one to not notice you were crying. He's so busy with work he wouldn't know you cried until he sees you with red puffy eyes, then he would probably feel bad. He would try comforting you afterwards. The comforting is not only for you though, it's also for him because he feels bad. It's a group comfort.

Vanderwood: He would be one of the people to act like he doesn't care but he would be sneaking worried glances your way. He would eventually crack and go over to you to comfort you, he would then be like Seven feeling bad for ignoring you. You would probably fall asleep in his arms and his heart would melt. When your asleep is when he would question himself what happened to you.

V: He would definitely be the most caring, he would see you crying and he would quickly run over to you. He would wrap you in a blanket and sit next to you as he rubs your back. He would ask you what the problem is and he would do everything in his power to solve it. If it's a person you know they are getting a mouthful, if it's just stress then he's going to help you out more. You'll definitely feel better very fast. He such a cinnamon roll!

Saeran: This guy would for sure act like he could care less. He will sit there and comfort you but he would continuously roll his eyes even though he's internally freaking out. If you ask him for a hug or any other types of comfort he will scoff at you but do it non the less. You know he cares, he's just shy.


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