Yoosung x Reader- Nightmares (fluff/angst)

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Prompt: "I'll be here to protect you"

        You were hanging out with Jaehee all day trying to help each other with work. Hers being  Mr. Hans torture and yours being planning for the RFAs parties. After a long day of work you finally arrive and your shared apartment with your boyfriend Yoosung. You both hit it off in the RFA. After the first party you started dating, you've been dating for about a year now and it's been about 5 months sense he asked you to move in with him.
            Upon entering the apartment your exasperated and tried. You see Yoo playing "Lololol" for the 100th time this week but you don't mind because he has college all day and this helps him relax. The only time you do mind is when he completely ignores you for it. Yoosung sees you enter the apartment and stops his gaming to greet you at the door. He kisses your forehead and says "Hey MC, how was planning?" You grumble something in response making Yoosung laugh "that bad huh?" "You have no idea" you say in return with droopy eyes. Yoo notices your tried and says "why don't you lay down and take a nap I'll cook something for us." You give a small smile and response and mumble a "thanks." You flop onto the couch and eventually fall asleep.


        Your get home from hanging out with Zen, you were helping him with his new set of lines. You enter yours and Yoosung's drive way to see Yoosung's car door open and the front door wide open. 'Did Yoosung forget, I know he loves lololol but never enough to forget closing doors' you think to yourself. You hum a little and creep over to his car door and close it lightly. Then you tip toe over to the front door and peak into the house. The sight you see making you almost vomit. It was your boyfriend Yoosung with his limbs detached from his body and his stomach carved out. There was blood and guts everywhere. The walls were peeling and dripping blood. You swear you saw Yoosung's detached limbs move around. You could hear his screams as he was brutally murdered making the sight in front of you so much worse. You stumble away from the sight and start throwing up your breakfast in the nearest bushes. With tears streaming down your face you try and pick up your phone, when you pick it up your phone melts in your hand causing you to scream again.

YOOSUNG'S POV. (1st person)

         I was in the middle of making dinner for me a my amazing girlfriend when I hear screaming and someone shifting around a lot. I turn around to see my girlfriend rolling around in her sleep with tears running down her beautiful face. 'She's having a nightmare' I think to myself with wide eyes. I slowly creep over to her making sure I don't scare her more and I wrap my arms around her. "Shh it's just a dream it's not real" I whisper over and over again until she finally wakes up with a start. She turns around a bit until she notices where she is and that I'm holding onto to her. Once she sees me she breaks down into more tears. "Your alive, my god your alive!" She whispers as if almost scared I'll disappear. "Of course I'm alive it was just a dream and I'll always be there to protect you" I say while rubbing her back.

READERS POV. (2nd person)

         You eventually calm down enough to back away from Yoosung's arms and wipe your tears. "Thank you" you mumble. "Anytime" he gives you a small smile. Then you smell something burning and get wide eyes "you were making dinner right?" Yoosung then also gets wide eyes and you think that they can't get any wider "oh sh-" is all you hear before he's booking it off the couch and into the kitchen. You burst out into a fit of laughter 'yeah everything gonna be fine' you think before getting up and running after him.

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