Zen x FemReader- Eavesdropping (fluff)

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Prompt: "Why are you whispering" & "How much of that did you hear"

READERS POV. (2nd person)

         Today you and Jaehee decided to hang out, being the only two girls in the RFA can be tiresome. Even though you love spending your time with Zen sometimes you need to get away from him and his fan girls as well. The other members of the RFA are just as if not more annoying. You and Jaehee planned on spending the day watching Zen's musicals so she can admire him from afar. She eventually would ask a very personal question and little did you know but someone was just outside the door, sitting there with a shocked expression on their face.
        You arrived at her house a few hours ago and even if you had fun you should probably get home sometime soon. You text Zen asking if he can come and pick you up, you continue to speak to Jaehee. "Can you tell me about Zen, I mean your relationship?" Jaehee asks with a bright smile that's she rarely shows. "You want me to talk about me and Zen's relationship?" You question while tilting your head to the side in confusion. She gives a slight nod in confirmation and then states "your the greatest couple and I simply want to hear you talk about Zen." You giggle and decide that you could use a good rant anyways so why not. "Well he's the greatest boyfriend in the world, always so kind" you smile at the thought of your amazing boyfriend and continue. "Sometimes his fan girls make it difficult....some of them are very toxic" you pull at them hem of your shirt nervously. "Some of them do seem rude" Jaehee concludes while still listening very intently to what you have to say. You give a small smile and mumble "even if they are crazy I still love him." You think for a moment and utter "sometimes I wish he would take more time off to be with me.... but I could never ask that of him....I know he loves his job way too much." Jaehee hums in response and mutters "even if I love his acting I also agree that he should spend more time with you." Your eyes go wide and you turn your whole body to face Jaehee. "You agree with me? I thought you would disagree saying his career is more important!" You try not to shout but her statement truly surprised you. She simply shrugs and says "well I now know the importance of a good relationship." "I suppose your right....anyways want me to continue?" She slightly smiles and gives a nod of her head.
         You talk about yours and Zen's relationship until Jaehee asks a question that almost completely stumps you. She asks "if you truly love him why don't you show him more?" Your so far into shock you fail to hear the knock at the front door. Jaehee is too interested in getting a answer that she simply ignores the knocking. "I-I.....how.....what?" You say in a complete whisper.

ZENS POV. (1st person)

        I knocked on the door to Jaehee's house a few times with no response. Confused, I put my ear up to the door and attempt to hear something. Upon putting my ear to the door I can only catch one sentence from Jaehee. She says "if you truly love him why don't you show him more?" I can't seem to catch anything after that, the statement leaves me with a red face. I try listening once more but MC seems to be whispering a response. I decide to forget the knocking and just enter the house. I walk into the house and see Jaehee and MC sitting on the couch whispering to each other. Neither of them notice me so I take the opportunity to scare both of them. I creep up behind the couch and pop up yelling "why are you whispering." MC let's out a slight yell and Jaehee jumps in the air. I laugh at both there reactions and walk onto the other side of the couch to sit down next to them. MC looks away from us and mumbles "how much of that did you hear?" I take her chin in my hand and turn her face towards me. Their face is completely taken over by a blush and I can't help but smile at the sight. "Oh I only heard what Jaehee asked" I tease. "W-well I.....ugh can we just go home?" They groan at the end of their statement. "Yup lets go, bye Jaehee" I yell behind me while leading MC towards the door. Once we enter the drive way I lean down to MC's height and whisper "were talking about this when we get home." She jumps in surprise and her eyes go wide. I laugh all the way to the car and I begin driving home so we can have a fun "chat."

IM SORRY NOT SORRY...... I saw this prompt and knew I wanted it to have a suggestive ending. I JUST HAD TO!


Check out my Instagram @its.leahs.art

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