Scenario~ If You Overwork Yourself

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A/n: Sorry for being inactive for so long but here's a small scenario. Also thank you so much for 4K reads it means a lot to me! 💙 

This will be in first person and each of the characters POV.

(Your job can be whatever you want it to be)

Jumin: I get home from work expecting a warm welcome from the love of my life only to open the door and get nothing. I slowly creep into the house and peer around looking for MC but I can't seem to find them anywhere. I put down my briefcase and walk into the bedroom. Upon arrival I realize why I didn't  get a warm welcome, MC has passed out laying on their desk. There is a pile of papers surrounding them as the peacefully snore. I decide to lecture them later but for now I'll just move them from that uncomfortable chair. I pick up their sleeping body and lightly place them on the bed. I sit down in the chair they once occupied and contemplate how I can stop them from overworking themselves.

V: I've been watching MC overwork themselves for the past few weeks and it's been getting worse. I know I have to stop it but I don't know how.  I would feel absolutely horrible if they crashed and burned. I decide to distract them and get them away from their work for at least a few hours. "MC let's go we're heading to the park, I need to use you as my model!" I hear a mumble of a reply in response but it's enough for me.


"See isn't this fresh air wonderful?" I question facing MC who looks anything but amused. "I need to be working" they grumble. "Love, you need breaks in between your going to hurt yourself" I can't help but lecture them knowing the horrible outcomes that could occur if this cycle continues on. They silently nod their head to agree with me and I internally cheer. We spent the rest of that day just goofing around in the park.

Jaehee: I know what it is like to overwork yourself. In fact I'm used to it working at Jumin's company. I can't help but worry though seeing MC always  fretting over work, it's definitely not healthy. After a few weeks of constant anxiety and way too many cups of coffee I decide enough is enough. MC is currently working on some paperwork when I walk into the room and simply drag them by the arm. I know I'm worrying them due to this being very out of character for me but I couldn't think of any other way to get them away from work. I drag them all the way to the couch and we both sit down. "MC you need breaks-" "You never take breaks when I ask you though" they interrupt. "I know but I never work to the point of passing out, enough is enough." They finally agree with me as we spend the rest of our night just watching movies that MC picked out.

Yoosung: MC has passed out on the floor again with their work papers thrown across the whole room. Every night as I turn off LOLOL I see this sight and it makes me want to cry. I hate seeing them like this so I decide they need a break. I carefully pick up MC and carry them back to our bedroom. I slowly drift off but not before I think of a plan.


Me and MC wake up the next morning and MC starts to stand up. Before they can make a dash to their work I grab them by the shoulder pulling them back to the bed. "You need a break so you are going to lay here and go back to sleep with me" I say a stern as possible while still laying on the bed. They think for a moment and I can't help but stare at the bags under their eyes until they finally speak "okay then." They lay back down and we fall back into a peaceful sleep.

Seven: I know me working almost all the time is also effecting MC because they have started staying up along with me. They work until the early hours of the morning until they finally pass out from exhaustion, it needs to be stopped. Which is why I have made a schedule for both of us. The basics of the schedule just help us both get to sleep at a regular time. I see MC shuffle into the room so I start my plan. I stand up and hand MC one of the schedules I've made. "What's this?" They question me as they stare at the piece of paper in their hands. "This is a new schedule that we are going to follow that way we can get some decent sleep, okay?" "Yeah that sounds good." I pull them into a bone crushing hug once they agree. Ever since the schedule has been made we both have stopped overworking ourselves.

Saeran: MC's at it again, working until their hair turns grey. I've decided to put an end to their little overworking party by just picking them up and carrying them away from it. I walk over to MC and carefully throw them over my shoulder. They start to lightly punch my back yelling to be put down but I don't even falter. "You are taking a break" I deadpan. They stop trying to escape and finally except defeat with a small sigh. I reach the living room and I toss them down onto the couch. They slightly bounce on the sofas soft material as I drag myself down with them. We spend the evening just enjoying the peaceful silence.

Zen: MC has not been getting their beauty sleep lately. They've been getting these horrible dark bags under their eyes and I constantly find them around the house passed out. It's always concerned me but now it's getting out of hand. I know what to do to stop it, it's just a matter of getting MC to agree with me. I see them scribbling some words onto their work papers when I approach them. "Hello darling I need you to come with me for a moment" I speak while holding out my hand for them to take. They look at my hand and lightly place theirs on top of mine. I pull them up from their chair and take them into the bathroom where I have some facial products waiting for me. "Now you and me are going to put on some face masks and just relax." While I say this I sit them down onto the closed toilet seat. "That sounds nice actually" they agree. All throughout the house laughter and joy can be heard until night approaches.

A/n: I'm sorry if there are some grammatical or spelling mistakes, I didn't properly proof read this 👀

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