Zen x Reader- Distraction (fluff)

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A/n: sorry if this is confusing but when I do the other characters POV from now on they will be in 1st person POV instead of 2nd person POV like I do with the MC.

Prompt: "Stop distracting me."

         You and Zen have been living together for a few months now, ever since the party was a success. Today was just like every other day Zen goes to work while you wait for him at home, no you don't just sit there. You usually keep his house clean and help him with his lines (by choice). You hope someday you can continue with college but your so busy with planning the RFAs future parties you just have no time. Zen tries to help you plan but he has his own job that he has to cover which is why you chose to help him instead.
          A few hours later Zen finally comes home you can tell from the click of the front door. You currently were in the kitchen making dinner for the both of you because you expected him to come home later. "Zen your here already?" You ask while you hear Zen shuffling into the kitchen, you turn around to see him with a stack of paper which you assume to be more lines. "Yes princess because I got the part and they expect me to read these by Tuesday" he says while slamming the stack of papers on the table. "Well congrats but it's Saturday you know, you have some time." He hums in response and you feel him snake his arms around your waste. "What are you making?" He questions. "Just some simple rice and soy sauce, nothing crazy" you say while giggling towards the end of the sentence due to Zen leaving small butterfly kisses on your neck. "I'm trying to cook Zen" you scold him lightly. You hear his muffled laughter in your neck. "It's fine, I'll just get you back for this later" you say with a mischievous look in your eye. "Oh no" is all you hear before Zen runs away while grabbing his lines to rehearse.  You giggle again.


           I finished eating dinner with MC and decided it was time to start practicing my lines. I get up from the couch and grab both mine and MCs plates to set them in the sink. "Princess I'm going to practice now, call me if you need me!" I yell while heading to our shared bedroom. A little while later I'm in the middle of a line when I hear the door squeak open, so I turn around to see MC in her pajamas with a book in hand. Giving me a small smile, they lay down next to me and start reading. Even thought they aren't doing anything they still manage to distract me just by being in the same room. "Ugh stop distracting me" I finally say. They look up at me with confusion written all over their face "what?" They say. "You, you always manage to distract me" I say while pouting lightly.


         "You, you always manage to distract me" Zen says with the cutest pout in the world that manages to make your face flush. "I-I'm sorry" you manage to stutter out. He laughs lightly "well I guess there's nothing you can do about it.....I'm going to put this away and lay down now." He leaves the room with his script leaving you alone. When he comes back you look up from your book to notice he's changed into more comfortable clothing. He gives you a bright smile and goes under the covers next to you. "I love you, even if you distract me sometimes" he says with a teasing tone. You laugh a bit "I love you too" "sorry for distracting you" you add at the end. "It's okay as long as your the one doing the distracting" he says. You put your book down, turn towards him and cuddle into his chest. You hear him mumble something before you fall asleep with a small smile on your face.

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