Vanderwood x Reader- Hugs Always (fluff)

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A/n: Remember to comment and vote. Also sorry this one is kinda short.

Prompt: "I love your hugs"

         Vanderwood being a spy means he's put in danger a lot of the time and is always getting injured. You didn't like his profession at first, and you hate him getting hurt but you learned to live with it. You even decided to learn how to fix up wounds, ranging from paper cuts to bullet holes. It took awhile to learn but you think it was totally worth it to know that you can save the one you love. The only down side to being Vanderwood's personal doctor is the stress that comes with it.


         One evening you were alone at the house you and Vander share and decide to make dinner. He was out on a job right now and was supposed to return today. In the middle of cooking dinner you hear the door open and automatically know who it is. You turn the stove off and go to greet Vander at the door. The sight in front of you is horrible. He's holding his side due to what seems to be a knife cut and his face is all busted open. "What happened to you" you say with wide eyes while leading him to the bathroom so you can fix him up. "Oh you know, mission gone wrong" he says while wheezing a little. "This is no time to joke, I would smack you upside the head if you weren't so hurt." You both finally reach the bathroom and you close the toilet seat so he can sit down. You grab all the supplies you need and start by stitching up his knife wound. "How the hell did you even manage to get home?" You question while finishing up his stitches. "Well Luciel drove me, he wasn't hurt at all, he stayed in the car as usual" he says with slight venom in his tone. You simply hum in response as your grab a towel to get rid of the blood on his face.
          After a bit of time you finally finish with all of his wounds. You help him stand, and leave the bathroom to resume dinner. Right before you leave you feel a hand grab your shoulder. "What I get hurt and no longer get any 'welcome home' hugs" Vander questions with a teasing smile. "You have a knife wound on your stomach I'm not going to hug you" you deadpan. Vander slightly pouts "I love your hugs." This makes you slightly taken aback. You hesitantly wrap your arms around his neck and slowly pull him closer to you. Vander smiles and wraps his arms around your waist. "There we go" he says. You eventually pull away and give him a small smile. "I'll start dinner now" you state while walking into the kitchen.

VANDERWOODS POV. (1st person)

        "I'll start dinner now" she says while turning away from me and walking into the kitchen. I lean against the bathroom sink and smile. 'God I love her hugs' I think to myself before walking out of the bathroom and joining my girlfriend in the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen I see her restarting the stove. "That's going to take a few minutes to heat up right?" I question with a sickly sweet smile. She turns around, raises her eyebrow, and says "yes, what's it to you?" "Well if it's going to take a second then I want another hug." She just rolls her eyes and doesn't bother fighting it. She walks up to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders again. I grab her waist and pull her closer she slightly brushes against my wound but it's totally worth it, just to get hugged by her.

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