Jaehee x Reader- Nap Time (fluff)

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Prompt: "I can't think straight when I'm with you"


         Jaehee was busy working on her mountain piles worth of paperwork. You both were sitting in your shared apartment. You wanted to help with some of her work but you always felt in the way so you eventually stoped. You decided to start reading. After about five hours you finish your book and Jaehee is still doing paperwork. You look at her for a while and notice she looks exhausted, there are dark black bags under her eyes. Her head starts dropping before it snaps back up again and she stares at you for a while. You eventually speak up and say "do I have something on my face?" She laughs slightly in response and shakes her head while saying "no, no it's just I quite literally can't think straight when I'm with you." (Haha get it STRAIGHT.... I'm not sorry) You grow quite flustered at the comment and your face becomes dark red. You awkwardly cough to ease the tension. "Thank you?" You eventually squeak out although it sounds more like a question. 'I know we've been dating awhile but she's never been that straight forward' you think to yourself while resting your red face in your palm. Jaehee is about to go back to doing her work when you've had enough, you stand and grab her arm pulling her towards your shared bedroom. "We are going to take a nap before you continue with your work" you say in a stern but kind tone. She's opens her mouth to respond before he closes it and thinks for a moment. "I suppose I have time for a short nap" she claims while you finally reach your destination. You slip your hand down to Jaehee's hand and you intertwine them together. This causes Jaehee to gain a flushed face. You drag her to the bed and plop down together.
          You both lay there and chat for awhile about random topics until you notice Jaehee is struggling to keep her eyes open before she eventually gives up trying. You pat her cheek and say "let's rest up now." She lightly nods in response not even bothering to open her eyes. You giggle at this and wrap your arm around her waist and snuggle into her neck. Closing your eyes you have a dreamless sleep while cuddling with your lover.

         I finally wake up after what seems to be a few hours. I suddenly notice something warm on my waist, I turn slightly and see MC snuggled into my side. My lips twitch up and I gently rub her back to try and awaken her. Her eyes flutter open and she peers up at me with a tired expression written all over her face. 'She looks even more adorable now' I think to myself. She smiles up at me before removing her hands from my waist and yawning. "What time is it?" She question while cutely titling her head to the side in confusion. I move away to look at the clock to see it's almost 8 o'clock my eyes go wide and I jump out of bed. "I have to finish my paperwork" I whisper yell. MC starts to pout and she says "at least you got some rest." I smile and start rushing down the hall to the living room but not before hearing MCs small giggles making me smile once more and think 'worth it.'


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