Luciel x Reader- Hacking (fluff/angst)

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A/n: MC is what I'm referring to the main character as from now on 🖤

Prompt: "I need to get this done, just leave me alone."

You would think that when your boyfriend is a hacker that it would be cool and fun like they show in films.....that's all wrong. Luciel is a hacker and he hasn't come out of his room in 5 days every time you go in there he shoos you out and tells you to stop bothering him. You remember when he always hung out with you and actually took time off. You're sick of it, this time your determined to make him eat and take a break! You make his food and knock on the door. "What" is all you get in response. Rolling your eyes, you enter the room anyways "I made you food, you need to take a break." "I've told you a million times to stop bothering me, this has to get done" he says with clear aggravation in his tone. "I know it has to be done but you've been here for 5 days you need a damn break!" "NO I DON'T, I NEED TO GET THIS DONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Seven screams back to you, you feel like the walls just shook and closed in around you. Your jaw drops and tears fill your eyes. You mumble some curses under your breathe, throw his food on the ground, and stomp out the door. Tears streaming down your face, you try to hold in your sobs while you call Yoosung. He finally picks up the phone "heya MC, what's up?" You sniff a bit trying to compose yourself enough to speak and just when your about to Yoosung interrupts "are you crying!? MC what did Seven do!" "I'll tell you about it if you let me stay at your place for a bit." "Yeah, yeah sure it's okay come over whenever" he says with a much softer tone then before.

Sevens POV. (I still refer to him as "you" when speaking about him though!)

'Finally done' I think to myself. 'Where's MC?' You look down to see food on the floor and a smashed plate. Slowly you start to recall what had happened hours beforehand. "WHAT HAVE I DONE! I need to call her." After dialing her phone for a while and realizing that she won't pick up you check the cameras at all of the RFA members houses to see what one she's staying at. 'Come on, come on' you stress to yourself. "YOOSUNGS? Why the heck would she choose his house" you shake these thoughts out of your head and decide to head out and get your girlfriend back.

Readers POV

You've been at Yoosungs house for awhile now and after telling him about what happened he decided to let you rest. Seven has tried calling you a few times but you ignored him. A bit later you hear frantic knocking at his door so you get up to go get Yoosung. "Yoo someone's at the door!" "Coming!" Yoosung enters the room with a skeptical look on his face and goes to open the door. After opening the door you can't even see who it was before your tackled to the ground. "Seven?" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he continues to repeat this until you cover his mouth with your hand. "It's okay just take a break once and a while......AND DON'T YOU DARE YELL AT ME AGAIN!" He smiles in responses and kisses your cheek before getting off you. He gets a cheeky smile and says "can we go home now....I'm tired." "No kidding your tired come on, thanks for letting me stay here Yoo!" "Anytime" he responds back with. You and Seven walk home hand in hand, small smiles on your faces, as Seven tries to make you laugh the whole time. When you finally get home Seven turns to you and says "I'm sorry again....just know even if I yell....I always will love you." Hearing those words makes you want to cry again but instead you simply respond with "I love you too."

Word Count: 703

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