Yoosung x Reader- Sleeping Figure (fluff)

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A/n: check out my Instagram @its.leahs.art

Prompt: "Even now I want to kiss you"

READERS POV. (2nd person)

         It was about 9 at night on a Sunday and Yoosung has not stopped playing lololol through out the whole day. You get it though, it helps him remove stress and he enjoys it. You can't take that away from him. Sometimes you just wish he would pay a bit more attention to you or at least take breaks while playing. You were starting to get tired but you wanted to stay awake for Yoosung. You both liked to cuddle before falling asleep, it just doesn't happen as often as you would like due to his gaming habits. Before you fall asleep you decide to make Yoosung a snack so he doesn't get hungry while playing.
          You get up and head to the kitchen. You pull out crackers and cheese out of the cabinets. (well say Yoosung likes this snack) You place the two ingredients on a plate and head back into the bedroom you both share. "Here Yoo" you say as you place the plate next to his computer. He looks up from his game for a quick minute, gives you a small smiles, and simply says "thank you." You blow out a breath of air and go lay down on the bed. You lay there for about an hour staring at the ceiling before your tiredness catches up to you and you fall asleep.

YOOSUNG'S POV. (1st person)

        I'm in the middle of a lololol round with my friends when I realize I haven't heard from my girlfriend in a while. I turn my chair around and my eyes dart everywhere in the room for her. I finally spot her sleeping soundly on our bed. 'What time even is it' I wonder as I look towards the clock. My eyes almost pop out of my head from noticing the time. "It's 2 in the morning, MC probably wanted to cuddle.....oh god" I mumble while quickly saying goodbye to my friends and shutting down my computer. I stand up from my chair and walk over to the beautiful girl sleeping in my bed. Upon reaching her I notice she still manages to look stunning, even in her sleep. With a small amount of drool running down the side of her face and her hair splayed out everywhere. I chuckle a bit at my thoughts. I tuck a small piece of her long/short hair behind her ear trying to get it out of her sleeping face. Her small snores are the cutest thing in the world. I frown at the fact I missed out on cuddling again and think 'I need to stop playing so late.....I wonder when she even fell asleep?' I once again look at her sleeping figure and mumble "even now I want to kiss you." "Why don't you then" I hear a small voice ask making me jump out of my thoughts. I then notice MC is awake and staring at me with a small smile on her face.

READERS POV. (2nd person)

          "Even now I want to kiss you" is all you hear as your eyes slowly flutter open. When you open your eyes you see a flustered Yoosung lost in thought. You whisper out "why don't you then?" This startles the poor boy as you make him jump out of his thoughts. He looks down at you with a large blush on his face and a slight smile. "If you say so" he says while leaning down to lightly kiss your lips. He pulls back and you notice his face turned even more red than before. "No need to be nervous" you giggle. "I'm not exactly nervous, your just too adorable awake and asleep..... t-that wasn't m-meant to be c-creepy" he stutters at the end of his statement. You giggle again and pat the bed next to you "well come on I'm tired" you say while yawning. "Oh uh sorry" he mumbles before going under the covers and wrapping his arms around your waist. "Goodnight" you whisper. You don't get a response and you hold in a laugh knowing he already fell asleep. You decide to just close your eyes and join him in slumber.


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