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First I would like to thank everyone who asked a question I really appreciate it. Secondly I would like to note that these questions came from both my books but can be applied to either....besides the first question.

@Kirishima_13 asks...

This is a question for the Arcana characters besides Lucio, how does the fact MC chose Lucio over you lot sit with you?? How did you feel when they announced that they were dating??


Asra: When they announced that they were dating I couldn't help but feel betrayed considering I gave up half of myself to save them but as long as they are happy I suppose all is well.

Muriel: After they announced that they were dating I felt...empty. I've never felt what I felt at that moment but once I saw them smile at Lucio I couldn't help but feel happy for them too.

Nadia: Me and Lucio have had some issues in the past but I feel no ill intent towards MC or Lucio. If they are both happy and treating each other well, who am I to say what is wrong and right.

Portia: Of course I was upset after finding out Lucio and MC are dating but I'm content with just being friends.

Julian: I cried after I found out... but then Portia smacked me on the head and told me "I know it's sad but just be happy for them" so that's what I decided to do.

A/N: I know it's kinda short but I hope you liked them anyways 💙

@tatumlovesbooks asks...

1. Favorite color?

I would have to say that my favorite color is baby blue.

2. Favorite flower?

My favorite flower is definitely the Asian Bleeding Heart flower, it is so unique and beautiful.

3. Favorite food?

This one is kinda tough but I have such a sweet tooth so honestly any kind of chocolate.

4. Favorite to least favorite Arcana character.


1. Julian
2. Muriel
3. Lucio
4. Asra
5. Nadia
6. Portia

5. Favorite and least favorite pet in the Arcana

My favorite pet is probably Inanna and my least favorite is Pepi. I only dislike Pepi because I haven't done her route yet.

6. Lastly are you in any other fandoms?

Well I enjoy so many things such as Marvel, DC, Star Wars, and just many anime's so I couldn't even make a list if I tried.

@MonokurosDevil asks...

Question for the author: What are your pronouns? And if it is not too personal, what's your gender and sexuality?

At first I wasn't going to answer this one but then I thought about it and decided why the hell not.

My pronouns are she/her and I am female.

My sexuality is pan romantic demisexual.

@galaxygamerfan asks...

Question to you: who do you kin?

This one was tougher to answer but I thought about it and decided on a few characters.

I kin...

Razor from Genshin Impact because he's just my little bean, so adorable.

Kozume Kenma from Haikyuu!! because he's just so much like me it's insane.

Finally Hizashi Yamada from My Hero Academia because how can I not he is so upbeat like it's very easy to like this character.

That's seems to wrap up the questions I got, if people think of more just comment here and I'll either randomly answer in the future or next time I do a Q&A. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!

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