Saeran x Reader- So Cold (angst/fluff)

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Prompt: "God, you always make me blush so damn much"

READERS POV. (2nd person)

         You and Saeran have been together for about 7 months now and everyday he seems colder and more distant than the next. You try to get him to open up to you but he yells at you every time. Today you decided you were going to finally get him to open up or it was over. You were willing to try anything and everything to get him to stop being so cold towards you. Yes you knew he was probably going to get mad at first but it would be worth it in the end if he would finally open up.
         Today is the day, the day your going to try everything to get Saeran to open up to you. Your currently at home alone while Saeran is hanging out with Seven. Seven decided it was time they had a brother bonding day, which was perfect for you. This means you can spend the time thinking of what you want to say to him. You don't really want to be pushy but you think it's about time you got through to him. You have a few ideas but nothing is set in stone.


        Saeran is going to be home in a few moments and here you are, nervously fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. You hear someone slowly open the door, you know who it is right away. You stand up to greet Saeran at the door. Upon reaching the door you give a small wave to him, not even bothering to formally greet him anymore knowing he will just ignore you. He doesn't even wave back to you he simply walks around you and goes to the living room to rest on the couch. You take in a deep breath and you also walk into the living room.
            You sit down next to Saeran and you see him roll his eyes in the corner of your vision. "So I need to talk to you" you say nervously. "What" he deadpans while scooting away from you. Your leg starts shaking up and down a nervous habit you never noticed you had until now. "S-so you know how y-your so c-cold to me, I-I was just w-wondering why" you stutter clearly very nervous. You simply get a "tsk" in response and you finally snap. "IF YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE ME WHY THE HELL AM I WASTING MY TIME WITH YOU?" You question with tears streaming down your face. You try calming your breathing down but it fails miserably. You are prone to having panic attacks but right now isn't a good time. 'No no no no not now' you think to yourself why you but your hand to your heart and try breathing normally again. "In and out" you mumble to yourself. You sit like this for a while with no hope of stopping the attack anytime soon. You start to feel dizzy and lightheaded and right before you pass out you feel 2 strong arms wrap around you. You look up startled only to see Saeran holding you close and rubbing your arms in a soothing manor.
           Your breathing finally steadies it's self. "Why?" Is all you say because you already know, he knows what your talking about. "I'm sorry, I do love you a lot actually" he says while removing his arms from your body. Your eyes go wide at the revelation and you whisper a small "you do?" "I....yes I do I just never had these feelings before and I'm just scared that you'll betray me like my mother did" he says while turning his head away from you. He turns back and says with a large blush on his face "God, you always make me blush so damn much." "If you do actually love me, can you stop being so cold towards me then?" Saeran tilts you head up and kisses your cheek. "Of course and I'm sorry again" he says with a sad tone. "It's uh okay as long as you never do it again, and I uh love you too" you state. He gives you a small smile and says "yeah yeah now let's go to bed, I'm tired and I know you must be." He helps you off the couch and leads you both to the bedroom.
          After reaching the bedroom he lays you down. "Thanks" you mumble. He doesn't respond he just hums in response. He lays down after you and you decide to cuddle into his side. He hesitantly wraps his arms around your waste and pulls you closer. Your tiredness catches up to you and you start drifting off but not before hearing "lm so sorry and I love you." You both fall asleep in each other's arms for the first time in months.


Also I wanted to say thank you I got my first vote on this story and I got my first follower a few days before. You have no idea how much it means to me so I appreciate you all.

Update from a few hours later: this kind soul voted on many of my chapters and I just wanted to say thank you once again ❤️

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Update from a few hours later: this kind soul voted on many of my chapters and I just wanted to say thank you once again ❤️

Update from a few hours later: this kind soul voted on many of my chapters and I just wanted to say thank you once again ❤️

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