Scenario: When They Come Home And See You Asleep

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A/n: Before I start I wanted to say that I am taking a short break in the beginning of November. Nothing crazy and I will be back before you know it, thanks for understanding!


READER POV. (2nd person) You were making dinner for Jumin when he texted you saying he was going to be late. You weren't mad, maybe just a little upset but you know he has to work. After finishing the food you go rest on the couch and eventually fall asleep.

JUMIN'S POV. (1st person) I was finally able to go home to my wife after a long day of working. I enter my house and yell out "MC where are you?" I search everywhere until I reach the couch where she's sleeping on her back with one arm flung off the couch. Her hair is everywhere and she looks adorable. 'That is the cutest thing ever.....more than Elizabeth' I think to myself. I debate on whether on not I want to wake her and decide against it so I move one of her arms and slip on the couch beside her. We both end up dozing off on the couch, in each other's arms.


JAEHEE'S POV. (1st person) I was returning home from work, Mr. Han made me stay longer today for another cat project. MC is home planning for the next RFA party. I turn the keys for our apartment and enter through the door. I call out for MC once and get no response, so I go searching for her. I check all the rooms until there is only one room left, the bedroom. I enter the bedroom to the cutest sight I have ever seen. MC has all of her work surrounding her and she fell asleep in an up right position. 'That must be uncomfortable' I think. I tip toe up to her and lightly push her back, I then move all of her work so she can sleep properly. Sadly I have to leave the room to get more work done but not before kissing her cheek. I turn the corner and think 'I'm so lucky.'


YOOSUNG'S POV. (1st person) I am in the middle of playing lololol when I see the clock in the corner of my sight. My eyes go wide "hey guys I have to go it's 2 in the morning" I say to my friends who I was playing with. I turn off my game and think 'MC is going to kill me.' I turn only around to see MC fast asleep, my eyes almost tear up from how adorable she is and how lucky I am. She's laying on her back with her arms crossed over her chest. 'She probably was waiting to scold me' I lightly laugh at the thought. I walk up to the bed, wrap my arms around her waste, and pull her closer to me. She shuffles a bit before going to back to her peaceful sleep, I slowly drift off after her.


ZEN'S POV. (1st person) I finally got home after a day of acting. It's around 9 at night and I'm hoping MC is still awake, I love talking to her about my day. She always brightens my worst of moods. I open the door to my apartment that I share with MC and can't find her anywhere. I check the kitchen and see her asleep in a chair at the dinner table. 'That won't do now will it' I think to myself. I walk up to her and pick her up bridal style to carry her to our bedroom. I lay her down and go to the restroom to change into better clothing.
          I enter the room once more to see her on her side lightly snoring. 'She's not even awake and she still brightened my mood' I give a small smile to her sleeping figure. I lay down and wrap my arms around her and intertwine our hands. She doesn't even flinch. I eventually pass out with my legs and hands wrapped around hers.


VANDERWOOD'S POV. (1st person) I've been on a mission for about a week now and I can not wait to go home to see MC. We've been together for a while and we finally moved in with each other.
         I finally reach my destination and creak open the door. "MC" I yell into the dark house. I check the rooms and find her sleeping on the floor next to the couch. 'Did she seriously fall off the couch' I stifle a laugh and pick her up like a sack of potatoes. She shuffles a bit and tiredly rubs her eyes. "Hey your back" she mumbles sleepily. I slightly smile "yeah, yeah go back to bed we can talk once your fully awake." She whispers something before she quickly falls asleep once more. I reach the bedroom and lay her on the bed, I follow suit. She subconsciously snuggles into my neck and we both peacefully fall asleep.


V'S POV. (1st person) I was out all day taking photos of nature in the park. MC wanted to stay home to read and she claimed that she wasn't feeling well. I finally make it home and see MC passed out on the couch. I put my camera down and walk up to her. I put the back of my hand against her forehead to feel that's she pretty warm. 'Poor baby' I think to myself before for lifting her up bridal style and heading towards the bedroom. She doesn't even stir when I place her on the bed. I lay my tired body next to hers and pull her into my chest. I think 'I don't care if I get sick this is all work it.' We both have a dreamless sleep in each other's arms with me praying she feels better in the morning.


SEVENS POV. (1st person) I have been hacking all day long. I check the clock to see it's currently 10 at night. With drooping eyes I turn around and don't see MC laying in bed. "Where is she?" I mumble aloud. I leave the room and search the house for her before I see her sleeping in a chair about to fall forwards. I run up and catch her before she face plants and delicately bring her to our bedroom. I lay her down and take my glasses off before entering the bed as well. She mindlessly reaches out for me and I let out a small coo in response. I lay down next to her and she wraps her small arms around me as we both drift off to sleep.


SEARAN'S POV. (1st person) I sadly spent the whole day with Saeyoung (707) and MC insisted on stay home so we could "bond together." I roll my eyes just at the thought of it. Me and MC live together in a small apartment near Saeyoung's house. I open the door to see that no lights are on 'it's only 5 o'clock' I think. I walk through the house and see MC passed out on the couch. I slightly smile before wiping it off my face and picking MC up. I throw her dead weight body over my shoulder. She stirs and mumbles a "what the heck" before falling asleep again after realizing who was carrying her. I hold back another smile as I reach the bedroom and set her down on the bed. I cover her up with the blankets and turn around to walk away but before I can a hand grabs my arm. "Don't go" MC whispers. I roll my eyes and get under the covers with her. I hate to admit but we both fell asleep together at 5:30 in the afternoon.


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