Jumin x BlindReader- Keep On Going (fluff)

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^^ I don't own the photo above

Prompt: "Just keep moving it's all you can do"

READERS POV. (2nd person)


You've been blind your whole life, being born into a world of darkness. You've never seen yourself or others, including your husband Jumin. You wish you could see light at least once in your life. Being disowned and left for dead at a young age made you used to being alone, alone in the dark. What a horrible combination homeless, blind, and alone but then you met Jumin. He showed you kindness and compassion when everyone else left you to die. He gave you a job where you worked together for about 2 years when he eventually asked you out. After a very success date you started dating. Fast forward another year and you both got married. Sometimes you wonder if you deserve the kindness and love he shows you. These thought occasionally bring you into slight depressive episodes.
Today happened to be one of those days your sitting on the couch crying into your hands. Jumin's going to be home soon and you don't want him to see you like this but the dark thoughts always seep in. 'Jumin could do better.' 'He should be with someone who can see.' 'Someone who can equally return his kindness.' 'Someone prettier.' These are the kind of thoughts that keep you up at night.
You sit and cry for what feels like hours before you can hear the door to the house open. You try fiercely wiping your tears away with your sleeve but to no avail, they just keep coming. You let out a choked sob that you know Jumin heard. You can hear footsteps coming towards you so you cover your face with your hands. You don't hear footsteps anymore so you think Jumin simply left you for being so weak. You cry even harder than before trying to take deep breaths to calm yourself.
You suddenly feel hands grabbing your wrists and tugging your hands away from your face. You let out a small whimper because your disappointed in yourself, letting Jumin see you so low and so vulnerable. You feel someone sit beside you and wipe your tears away. "Love what's wrong?" A voice you recognize a Jumin says while pulling you towards his chest. You take a deep breath before speaking. "I-I I'm sorry" Is all you can manage to get out before going into another round of tears. Jumin pulls you impossibly closer to his chest and rubs small comforting circles onto your back. He whispers kind words into your ears until you finally calm down enough to speak. "I uh I'm sorry I get like this sometimes" you mumble and you can feel Jumin tense up besides you. "You've gotten like this before?" He says and you can hear the tension in his voice. You awkwardly rub the back of your neck and utter a small "uh yeah." "Why wouldn't you tell me" he says with a softer tone than before. "I....didn't want to worry you...and I uhm am just being silly" you state while wiping away some of your excess tears. Jumin shifts your body and gives you a proper hug while mumbling into your shoulder. "If it has made you this sad in the past it's not stupid, now tell me what's actually bothering you." You pull away from the comforting hug and turn away. You hang your head and say "uh that you deserve better...someone prettier, someone who can see." You hear Jumin scoff before he states "I didn't marry you for no reason, I love you not other girls." His words filled with kindness makes your eyes tear up again.
You and Jumin sit on the couch for a few more moments while you finish off the rest of your tears. You hear someone shift and immediately know Jumin stood off the couch. You feel a arm around your waist helping you stand off the couch. "Come on love let's lay you down to get some rest" he says while gently leading you towards the bedroom. You don't respond and just let him help you.
You assume you reach the bedroom because Jumin starts pushing your body back. You fall and hit a soft surface, you feel a body fall next to you and pull you closer. Jumin starts lightly petting your head and he whispers "go to bed, and remember I love you." You feel your eyes start closing but not before hearing "just keep going it's all you can do." You fall asleep with a small smile on your face.


Check out my instagram @its.leahs.art

A/n: I know I always end with "but not before hearing" but like it's too cute not to end that way. If it annoying you I apologize. I'm also going on a short hiatus just to get some more ideas and a break to focus on school and my art. I will continue my other book though.

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