Jumin x Reader- Workaholic (fluff/angst)

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Prompt: "I don't even know anymore" & "I thought you were cheating....."

Reader POV.

        You're used to being alone you've been alone your whole life but then you met Jumin through the RFA. He made you feel wanted and loved, cherished in a way. He even married you, but lately you haven't been seeing a lot of him, he's always at work even when he's home he's usually working until late at night when he silently slips into bed. There even has been rumors of him having an affair and your not exactly sure how to feel about these rumors. On one hand you don't think he would even do such a thing but on the other what if he found someone prettier than you or wealthier than you. Maybe he got bored with you. After a day of self deprecating thoughts Jumin finally came home and looked as tired as ever. "I'm going to bed" he mumbles. "Yes okay goodnight." "Love what is wrong, why are you crying?" You didn't even noticed you had tears in your eyes. You were just too numb to everything around you. "Oh nothing just me being dramatic as ever!" "Now we both know that's not true so tell me what is wrong" he says while taking his coat off and sitting down next to you. "Please tell me what is on your mind" he pleads. "I....I" you can't even finish your sentence before bursting into tears. He looks startled for a minute before he wraps his arms around you holding you close to his chest. He starts to rub your back and whisper soothing words into your ear. You think 'god now I really don't think he is cheating, he wouldn't comfort me if he didn't care.' "Now love care to tell me what's wrong?" "Oh gosh no it's so silly and rude of me, I can't say" you manage to get out while blubbering. "Nothing is silly if it's making you cry" Jumin speaks in a hushed tone making you cry even more because of how silly you are and how kind he is. After calming down you finally speak "I thought you were cheating....I'm so sorry just you're never home and I got lonely then I had these thoughts and-" He cuts off your rambling "oh love I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to you but I would never cheat on the  only person I have ever loved." "I know, I know which is why I said it was silly.... I just don't even know anymore." Jumin simply hums in response.

Jumins POV.

        'I can't believe she thought I would do such a thing.... I suppose I have been very busy though, I know what to do!' "Love give me a few minutes I need to make a few calls then we can spend as much time as you want together" I say while wiping her remaining tears and standing up. "Okay but don't skip work because of silly old me." "You always come before my job don't be absurd" I state while now walking around the corner. I see her lips twitch up right before she can't be seen anymore. 'What did I do to deserve you' I think to myself.

Reader POV.
        The whole rest of the week was spent with Jumin and you doing anything and everything from picnics in the park to staying at home cuddling with Elizabeth. On the last day of Jumins vacation you were both cuddling on the couch watching movies when Jumin says "Now love I go back to work tomorrow but never forget I love you more than anything." "I love you too, and I'm sorry again" you solemnly whisper. He doesn't respond he just kisses your head and turns to continue watching the movie. You slowly start to fall asleep and the last thing you think is 'I couldn't be luckier.'

A/n IM SORRY MY POVS ARE KINDA CONFUSING. If they are that bad comment please so I can fix them.

Word Count: 672

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