V x Reader- A Night Together (fluff)

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Prompt: "Spend the night with me."

        You and V haven't been together that long only about 3 months sense he came back. You've spent that time together during the day but at night you would both go your separate ways again. Not because you didn't want to spend the night together, you just wanted to take it slow. V is also very insecure thinking you would end up leaving him but you never did and never will. One day this all changes as you and V were at the park, you watched as he took pictures and sometimes tried to sneak some of you. You both goofed around, running circles around the pond and maybe giving a few ducks heart attacks. After tiring yourself out you and V decide to finally go back to his place and watch movies before you had to go home.


        "You pick the movie I'll get the snacks" you yell while running towards the kitchen to work on popping some popcorn. You can hear V laugh from the other room, but he seemed sort of nervous today. You shrugged your shoulders just thinking maybe he was tried from running around and staying in the sun all day. You finishing making the popcorn and walk back out into the living room to see V laying on the couch waiting to start the movie. "I got the snacks" you speak while stuffing your face with popcorn. "Then come on and lay down" V says while grabbing your wrist to pull you down on top of him. You snuggle up into his side and V starts the movie.


         You notice V is starting to fidget so you turn towards him and place you hand on his cheek, he leans into the touch. He darts he's eyes towards you and give you a sheepish smile. "V what's wrong" you ask with concern laced in your voice. "It's just....I....never mind" he nervously stutters. Your lips turn downwards and you say "you can tell me anything...you know that right?" "Of course I do, I'll tell you later I promise just finish the movie first." "Ok then" with that said you turn back towards the television.

AT THE END OF THE MOVIE (last one I promise lol):

        After the movie is over and your starting to fall asleep on V's lap you suddenly shoot up making V jump in the process. "Oh gosh I forgot I have to go home" you say, but before you can even completely stand V's hand lands on your shoulder stopping you. "Hold on" he says "I didn't get to talk to you yet." This statement makes you suddenly nervous 'is he gonna break up with me' you think in your head, the sudden thought making you tear up. V notices and his features soften while he wipes your tears away "hey none of that it's nothing bad I promise." You take a deep breath and turn towards him "what is it then?" V face turns beat red at the question "well you see uhm..." he nervously rambles for a while until he composes himself and blurts out "spend the night with me." Your eyes widen "you m-mean like the night h-here at y-your house" you ask, cheeks flushing a bit. "Yes, that is what I meant" he says while holding your hands with his. You break out in a huge smile with the revelation "of course I'll stay V!" V smiles in return and helps you stand "lets get to it then." (Get your mind out of the gutter) He leads you to his room and sense you were both already in your pajamas you lay down together. He wraps his arms around you bringing you flush against his chest while you push you face into his neck. You both lay there cuddling until your about to fall asleep, but not before hearing V whisper "I love you so much."

Word Count: 676


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