V x Reader- Sick (fluff)

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A/n: italics are writing (you'll understand when you get there)

Prompt: "Please get better soon, I can't stand to see you this way"

V'S POV. (1st person)

          I am on my way home from Jumin's. We decided we haven't seen each other in a while and why not hang out today. I left MC at home and I do feel bad but Jumin and I have been best friends since....forever, it was about time I saw him. I see the blur of people on the streets as I drive by and it gives me an idea. I stop quickly at a (enter food place here) to grab food for me and MC because I'm sure they haven't eaten yet. They always like to wait for me which is sweet but they need to start eating when their hungry. After grabbing the food I get back into my car and continue driving home.
         I finally reach my destination and enter. The household is strangely dark and quiet. 'Why is it so dark' I think while setting my keys and the food down on the table. "MC" I yell through the house, getting no answer in response. "Where are they?" I mumble before turning the lights on and checking all of the rooms for them.
         I look everywhere and I'm about to give up my frantic search until I see them laying on the couch covered in a mountain of tissues. 'How did I miss them' I think before walking up to them and sitting by their feet on the couch. They finally look up at me and I realize they are definitely sick, with their flushed cheeks and sweat dripping down their face. I touch the back of my hand to their forehead. "Love, your burning up" I state while standing to prepare some medication for them. They don't answer, instead they grab a note pad and start writing on it. They lightly hand me the note pad and it reads 'my throat hurts and I'm tired.' They pout at me and I can't help but slightly laugh. "Well I got you food and here's some medication you can take" I say as I hand them the medicine and grab the food from the kitchen. I walk back into the living room to see them staring at the medication in disgust. I laugh again and say "you have to drink it MC, I'll put it in your drink if you don't." They quickly shake their head a few times, tightly clutch the medicine in their hand, and chug it. After drinking they place the container down and stick their tongue out making fake gagging sounds. "Don't be a baby" I say with clear mockery in my tone. They scribble something down and hand the note to me 'it's gross and you know it.' I don't response I simply shrug and hand them their food. They give me a gracious smile and start silently eating the food.
          After eating and having a few semi awkward conversation considering they had to write everything down. I decided it was time for them to rest so I check their forehead again only for it to be just as hot. "Your still hot" I mumble while laying their body down across the couch. They point to their notepad and I hand it to them. They write something while supporting a cheeky smile and hand me the notepad once more. 'I know you are but what am I' the note says, I give them a deadpanned expression and can't help but slightly laugh. "Time to rest now, please get better soon I hate seeing you this way." I give them a kiss on their cheek and they try swatting me away. "I don't....want you getting si-" is all they can get out before going into a coughing fit. I rub circles onto their back trying to sooth them as much as possible. Once they finish coughing they take some deep breaths to regain their breath. I walk away to grab a blanket and lightly place it over their fragile body. Before they fall asleep I say "I'm sorry for leaving you when you needed me most, love." They wave me off and close their eyes starting to get some much needed rest so I turn off the living room light. I'm about to leave the room but I hear a small sickly "love you." I can't help but have my lips twitch upwards and give a "I love you too" in return. I enter the bedroom and finish up editing photos while thinking 'how can I heal you?'

A/N: Sorry it's kinda short, I haven't done V's route yet so I don't completely understand his character. I also didn't really have any ideas for him so I tried. THANKS FOR READING REMEMBER TO VOTE AND COMMENT. ❤️

Also check out my Instagram @its.leahs.art

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