707 x Reader-Kidnapped (fluff/angst)

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A/n: This story has many POV changes, and mentions of sexual assault!!!!!!!! I will warn again before it occurs!

Prompt: "I'm so glad you're okay" 


         Seven was hacking as usual and MC was sitting in the living room reading her favorite book. This was a daily thing for the couple. Seven hacking all day and MC reading until night time when they would cuddle up in bed together. Occasionally Seven would work through the night. Although this day was like no other. Seven noticed there was a strange code in his security system. Seven wanted to check it out so he got up to go outside. Seven walked past MC to get to the outside system.


        Upon reaching the outside security system I noticed it was short circuiting. "What the..... this has never happened before" I thought aloud. I sat there staring at it for awhile before finally deciding to check the coding again. I entered the house and didn't see MC on the couch, I shrug it off thinking she just went to the bathroom or bedroom. I continue walking to my computer to check the hacking script again. What I see on the computer makes my eyes go wide. The computer simply says "SHES MINE NOW -UNKNOWN" "MC!" I yell while searching for her. After 10 minutes of looking I fall to the ground and think 'how did I let this happen.' I shake my head and rise again with determination in my eyes, I say "I'm coming for you MC!"


         You were sitting on the couch reading your favorite romance book when Seven walks past you to go outside. You give him a curious glance before going back to reading your book. A chapter later and Seven still hasn't returned inside you get up to go check on him. When you go to reach for the door handle you feel a cloth cover your mouth before everything goes black.


          Your vision returns to you and you seem to be tied up in a warehouse. The only thing heard is the birds chirping and the occasional car driving by. After what feels like hours but could have only been minutes pass you eventually hear footsteps and think 'not sure if that's good or bad....probably bad.' You roll your eyes at your stupid thoughts. "I haven't even spoken to you yet and you're already rolling your eyes" the random person speaks. 'Sounds male' you think to yourself. Then person steps out the shadows and you almost think he looks familiar with his leather attire and white hair with pink tips. You squint your eyes trying to figure out why he seems familiar. "I see you think I'm familiar....I'm that fool you call a boyfriends brother, twin to be exact" he says with disgust clear in his tone. He slams his hand against the wall nearest to you making you jump. "He took everything from me so I'm taking everything from him" he says with a snarl while looking your way. He gives you a sickly sweet smile as he approaches you.


          The unknown man continues to give the wicked smile of his as he slides his hands up your thighs and rest them there for a bit. You wiggle in the restraints until you feel a harsh pain on the side of your face. "Stop moving!" You stop and turn your head away from him before tears run freely down your face. He coos at you and says "don't be sad I won't hurt you anymore if you obey me." He runs one hand up your abdomen and uses to other to grab your jaw and turn your head towards his. He gives you a demanding kiss and starts nipping on your jaw. You're trying to hold back your sobs but right before the man can do anymore damage a gunshot rings out through the warehouse.


           I found her location and I figured out who did this. "My own twin" I think aloud. I grab my gun and get into my car.
           After reaching the location which seems to be a warehouse I can hear the faint sounds of sobs in the distance. Walking through the corridors I come across one singular door with a small window. Upon peaking into the room I see something that makes my blood boil. My own brother stroking my girlfriends thighs and forcefully kissing her while she's tied up and crying. Just seeing her in the position is enough to bring me to tears but I quickly wipe them away and think 'she's needs me right now.' I slowly open the door and enter the room and fire one shot from my gun into the air. Everything goes silent. I hear my girlfriend mumble through her tears "Luciel is that you?" "Shut up" my brother hisses before slamming MC's head backwards into a wall. She slumps forwards before losing consciousness. "MC!" I yell as my twins evil laughter fills the warehouse.


         After the gun shot I look up to see who I think is Seven. It's deathly quiet so you decide to speak "Luciel is that you?" He gives you a small smile before the unknown man hisses "Shut up" and slams your head into the nearest wall. You think you hear Seven yell your name but it's too hard to tell. Darkness is swimming your vision and your ears are ringing. You try shaking your head to clear your thoughts but it's too late the darkness took over.


           Upon waking up you try sitting only to feel a slight pain in your abdomen. "Ouch" you mumble. You hear someone sit up from beside you. "MC, oh thank god" Luciel says while rubbing his tired eyes. Seven stands to give you a small hug. "I'm so sorry" he says while trying not to cry. You give him a small smile and respond with "it's okay....just what happened after I passed out?" Seven tells you what happened from the moment you got taken to the fact that, that man is his twin. Seven finishes his story with "I'm so glad you're okay." "Everything is fine and I'll never leave your side" (what am I a poet) you say while looking at Seven with love in your eyes. "I love you" he says. "I love you too."

A/n: Please remember to vote and comment! Thank you ❤️ Also thank you for 40+ reads 🥳

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