Scenario: When You Have A Nightmare

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A/n: all of these will be the LI's first person. Also this one will most likely have grammar mistakes so I apologize in advance!

Jumin: I have been at work all day and have been unable to call my lovely wife. So when I finally reach my home I am truly looking forward to seeing her. I reach my penthouse and make my way to the front door. Upon entering I see all the lights are off. "MC?" I yell while looking around for her. I see her sleeping on the couch but unlike her normal peaceful appearance she's viciously turning and mumbling "no, no, no." I know right away what is wrong so I creep up to her and lightly shake her trying to wake her from the horrible nightmare which consumes her. She finally wakes up with a start. She has tears running down her face as she whips her head around looking for what woke her. Her eyes land on me and she tears up even more. "Your alive" she whispers while feeling my face to make sure I'm truly there. This gives me a good idea of what her nightmare was about. I grab her hands from off my face and say "yes love I'm alive and your okay." We sit there for awhile with me just rubbing her hands until we both fall asleep on the couch with her hands in mine.

Jaehee: MC has fallen asleep a few hours ago and I've been doing paperwork since. Mr. Han opened another cat project which makes me have even more paperwork than normal and not only that but cat projects are just the worst. It makes me lose time with MC and my patience. A few hours later and I'm still doing paperwork until I hear a few whimpers. I look around wondering what made the sound, when the sound occurs again. I notice MC is the one whimpering I think 'she's having a nightmare.' I walk over to her and lightly shake her awake. The nightmare clearly wasn't too bad because her eyes flutter open and she says "hey Jaehee what happened?" I give her a small smile and say "you seemed to be having a nightmare." Her eyes go wide "sorry for distracting you" she says with a sheepish smile. "It's okay, try going back to bed" I say while laying her back down. "I'll just be over there" I state and point over to the desk I was just working at. "Okay goodnight" she says giving me a beaming smile. I slightly smile and get back to work.

Yoosung: It was about 2 in the morning and I was still awake playing lololol. I was about to finally turn off my game when I hear someone scream. The random ear piercing sound makes me jump about a foot in the air. I whip my head towards the bed where the sound was made to see my girlfriend screaming and thrashing around in our shared bed. 'Oh poor girl that nightmare looks horrible' I think to myself. I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her whole body. She continues to scream until she shoots up from off the bed. She stares at me for a moment with tears in her eyes, until she finally reacts by placing her head on my shoulder. She sobs on my shoulder for a few more minutes until I hear her lightly snoring. "She fell asleep" I mumble to myself. I lay her back down and follow suit. We fall asleep with our arms entangled with each other's and me slightly petting her hair.

Zen: Me and my girlfriend, MC were sleeping peacefully when I get awoken from my slumber. 'That's weird' I think to myself knowing it takes quite a bit to wake me up. I see and hear nothing around the room so I lay back down. I'm about to fall asleep again when I hear someone whimpering. I turn to look at MC when I see tears streaming down her face. My facial features soften considerably and I shift in the bed to get a better look at her. Her eyes are teary and her hands are fiercely gripping the bedsheets. 'That won't do at all' I think to myself while removing her grip from the sheets and hold her hands in mine. I sit up in the bed and wrap my arms around her waist. Eventually she wakes up looking very confused, she looks at me and the position were in and snuggles into my chest. I start petting her hair and I whisper "want to talk about it?" She slightly shakes her head as if to say "no" then she mumbles "we can tomorrow I'm too tired right now." I lightly laugh "okay go to bed then." She wraps her arms around my back and we both snuggle until I can hear her soft snores again. 'I can rest easy now' I think before falling into blissful sleep hold the love of my life in my arms.

Seven: I was in the middle of hacking for my job, it was about 4 in the morning. I currently have very noticeable bags under my eyes and I'm about to shut my computer down when I hear someone scream. 'What the heck' I think while viciously turning around in my chair to look at the bed me and my girlfriend share. I see my girlfriend with her face hidden in the covers as she releases another loud scream. 'Nightmare?' I question to myself. I quickly finish my hacking and turn off my computer. After finishing my job I walk up to the bed and and lightly shake her awake. She lets out another scream before finally sitting up with a start. Her chest rise and falls at a fast rate as tears stream down her rosy cheeks. She sees me and quickly wraps her arms around me mumbling something along the lines of "your here." I wrap my arms around her waist and whispers sweet words in her ear. She eventually calms down enough to fall back asleep. I lay her head down and pull the covers back over her fragile body. I lay down next to her and she subconsciously snuggles her head into my neck. I give her sleeping figure a light smile before fall asleep as well.

Saeran: I was awoken out of my sleep which made me very annoyed. I roll my eyes and sit up in me and my girlfriends shared bed. My bloodshot eyes turn to look at my girlfriend only to see that she's missing. "What the hell" I mumble while standing up to search for her missing figure. I walk into the kitchen to see no sign of her so I check the living room. What I see confuses me to no end, my girlfriend is laying on the couch with one arm thrown over the side of the couch and the other resting on her chest. I walk up to her and shake her awake, when she rises from her slumber I can finally notice she has tears in her eyes. "Hey what's wrong and why are you in the living room?" I question while sitting down and start rubbing her back. "I-I don't know I w-was having a nightmare a-and you d-died or searched for s-something.....that's all I really remember" she stutters with more tears running down her face. "Hey, hey it's okay your okay and I'm okay" I say as I pull her into my chest. After a bit she calms down and I peer down at her. She was softly snoring, which was the cutest sight ever. I lightly smile, pick her up bridal style, and carry her back to the bedroom. I lay her down and follow after her, I wrap my arms around her waist as he snuggles into my chest. We both fall asleep in each other's arms.

Vanderwood: I am finally returning home after a long and tiring mission. I can't wait to get back to my girlfriend and our shared apartment. Upon reaching my destination I hear an ear splitting scream coming from the inside. My eyes go wide and I quickly open the door and run through the house looking for MC. I see her in the bedroom laying on the bed rolling around in her own sweat and tears. She's violently shaking and breathing heavily. I walk up to her trying not to make more sounds than necessary, being sure not to scare her even more. I take ahold of her shoulders and pull her into my chest. Her whole body is still shaking and her breathing is ragged but I can tell she's slowly calming down. I whisper kind words into the air hoping to slowly wake her up. She eventually wakes up and tries pushing me away until I say "hey it's me, I came back today's and you were screaming so calm down." "Va-Vander" she stutters while trying to calm her body down. "Breathe and try to fall back asleep" I state while slowly rubbing circle on her back. After a few moments I can hear her light snores. I give a small smile at the sound and lay her body back down onto the bed. We cuddle together until I fall asleep as well.

V: Its about mid day and I've been doing photo shoots since 5 this morning. I can not wait to get back home and be back with my amazing girlfriend, MC. I reach our shared apartment and enter the house. I yell "MC" and wait for a response, after a few moments with nothing in return I start searching the household. I eventually find MC sleeping on the couch and I think 'she probably fell asleep after I left.' I was about to leave the room until I hear someone whimpering. I turn back around to see MC shifting and whimpering in her sleep. "A nightmare" I mumble before slowly approaching the sleeping figure. I lift her off the couch and pull her into my chest. She subconsciously snuggles into my body and stops whimpering. 'Cute' I think before laying her body back down and laying myself down with her. "Goodnight love" I whisper as we both fall asleep with no more nightmares.



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