Scenario: When You Get An Injury

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^^ I don't own this art.

A/n: I'm trying to write using gender neutral  pronouns but I've gotten so used to writing she/her pronouns that sometimes I simply forget. So I apologize for future stories if I accidentally use she/her pronouns when meaning to use they/them. (Unless I specifically say it's meant to be a male of female reader)


           I finally had a day off from work, even though I'm the boss, a break was very much necessary. I even gave Assistant Kang a short vacation, per MC's request. At first I had no clue what to do in my free time due to MC cooking lunch currently. I told them that my personal chef could easily make lunch for us but they insisted on cooking for me, how could I say no to them. After some careful consideration I decided to read a book to pass the time.
           I'm in the middle of a paragraph when I hear MC yell some very loud profanities from the kitchen. I tilt my head in curiosity and place the book I was reading on the coffee table. I stand up off the couch and head into the kitchen. Upon entering I see MC clutching a bloody hand close to their body. "What happened here" I ask while gathering bandages for their bleeding wounds. "I was chopping vegetables and sliced two of my fingers open" they say while clutching their hand to their chest. I hum in response and prepare to wrap their fingers. When prepared I cautiously grab their injured hand from their chest and place a bandage around it. I slowly wrap the bandage around the fingers until they are completely secured. I kiss their hand and say "good as new, be careful from now on." "Will do" they mumble with a predominant blush on their face. I hum and walk back into the living room to continue on with my book.

             Me and MC were working in the coffee shop since 5 this morning. It's been a busy day so far and things are only going to get more hectic, with the afternoon rush about to start any moment now. "Do we have everything ready?" I hear MC question from the back room where they are currently making a few coffees. I quickly look around the area checking everything. When finally concluding we have everything prepared I yell back "seems so." They simply hum in response and continue on preparing some coffees.
            The afternoon rush has started about an hour ago and will most likely last another hour and a half. I'm in the middle of preparing a customers request when I hear MC screech a loud "ouch" from the back room. I freeze in my steps and give the customer a apologetic smile before rushing into the back room. Upon entering the room I can see MC looking at what seems to be a burn mark on their hand. "Ow, ow, ow" they continue to mumble not noticing my presence. "Did you burn yourself on the coffee machine?" I question while grabbing their uninjured hand and dragging them towards the sink, making them jump slightly in surprise. They give me a sheepish smile and rub the back of their neck with their non burned hand. "Maybe, I'm sorry" they mumble, looking away from me. I give them a small smile as I run cold water over the burn. "It's fine just be careful." I finish running water over the burn so I quickly bandage the wound and run back out to serve more customers but not before saying a quick "I'll fix that better later." I hear a small "thanks" before I go back to work with a smile on my face.


               Me and MC decided to go on a walk in the park. It wasn't my idea but MC insisted saying its "good for me" and "necessary for my health." They turn off lololol on me and demanded we go to the park, and I can never say no to them. I have to admit the picture perfect blue sky and the slight breeze is very calming.
             We've been at the park for a good hour now and my feet are starting to ache. I decide to sit at a bench for a moment to soothe my sore muscles. I watch MC wander around a pond as their clothing whips in the wind and their hair (unless you have short hair) flows with it. They have a bright smile which makes the aching in my legs and feet worth it. I look down at my shoes for a moment lost in thought until I hear someone yelp. I whip my head up only to see MC laying on the ground clutching their ankle. I rise from the bench and speed walk over to them. Upon closer inspection I see they have slight tears in their eyes. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask growing more and more concerned by the second. I lean down to the ground and softly take their ankle in my hands. "I'm fine I only rolled it" they say while wiping their tears away from their face. I lightly twist their ankle and they wince in response. I give a apologetic smile and say "I think you sprained it, let's get you to a doctor." They puff their cheeks out but comply none the less. I lift them off the ground bridal style and start carrying them to the car (I don't remember if he can drive but here he can). "I told you the park was a bad idea" I mumble as we head off to the doctor.

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