RAY AND JUMINS ROUTES~ Plus a small story!

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I have nothing to say but sorry for never updating but I eventually will and that omg why are their routes so god dang expensive 😫 I'm too poor for this garbage but I want to play them so bad 🥺 I'm just going back and replaying routes to get hourglasses.

Here's a little story for what I think is a possible outcome for Jumins bad after ending~

You were wondering the never ending halls of the mansion you were trapped in. It seemed that the same rooms get passed every second of everyday, almost as if you're life is set on a loop. You wanted nothing more than freedom but you knew you gave that up right when you agreed to stay here in this hell. You approached a window and stared longingly at the green grass and the bright blue skies. You heard footsteps approaching you but you didn't dare turn around in fear of what the man will say. The footsteps halt and you can faintly hear the dark breathing of Jumin. All is silent until the eerie words are spoken from your captor, he whispers "there is no freedom for you, you're mine." At that moment you knew that your life was over.

A/n: Ehe I don't even know I was just bored and I don't know what actually happens in the after ending so that's just me making stuff up. Thanks for reading?

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Check out my Instagram where I recently hit 200
followers 🎉 @its.leahs.art

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