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When they were first dragged to Hyperion Heights, Everly remembered everything that happened so vividly that she thought everyone did as well. That was until she called her eldest daughter by her real name, only for the young girl to look at her mother like she grew a second head. From there, the blonde woman found Austin and his son before literally running into Katherine and her son on the other side of town to find all four of them had no idea who she was. This was the same for Sam and his daughter when Everly saw them outside the grocery store the very same day. A few days later, the blue-eyed woman walked by Felix and their two youngest children, only for them to greet her as "Ms. Emeron."

No matter how much all those interactions broke Everly in ways she could never attempt to explain, what hurt the most was seeing Roland living by himself in the apartment across the hall. It was as if the curse was showing her she failed to protect him like she promised Robin she would all those years ago.

It had been almost a year since this new curse was cast and no matter how many times she tried, Everly never came close to freeing everyone. Because of this, she decided to put a halt on trying to break it and tried to enjoy what she had until she found someone who remembered as much as she did. The only option Everly didn't try was true love's kiss, but she always knew that wouldn't work. How could it when your true love didn't even know who you were?

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The sun shined through the curtains as the sound of music mixed with laughter and the smell of eggs and bacon filled the halls of their small apartment. While the eldest daughter of Everly and Felix cut up some fruit to go with the food Everly was making, the two of them danced around singing along to the song that was playing on the radio.

Saturday mornings were always like this, so carefree and full of happiness. But no matter how much the blonde woman enjoyed that time with Cassie, Everly's mind always wandered to the rest of her family members. The ones who had no idea that the lives they'd been living in that neighborhood were nothing but lies. Once they finished breakfast, the two of them cleaned up the dishes before grabbing their bag and heading out to start their days.

When they got down to the street, the two of them were greeted by Marci and Jasper before Everly shared a quick hug with Cassie then the latter left with her two friends. The blue-eyed woman's feet stayed glued to the sidewalk as she watched the three teens walk down the street until they disappeared around the corner. As soon they were out of sight, she hopped into her red Jeep before starting the car and pulling onto the road.

𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 ★ 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ⁸Where stories live. Discover now