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After convincing Rumplestiltskin to help her and Zelena find the Candy Killer, the two of them followed the Dark One down to the evidence room. The Thorne woman's emotions continued to grow as she thought about her daughter. All she could do was hope and pray that Cassie was still alive and safe, but that hope was shrinking with every moment she was missing. And on top of it all, Henry was still nowhere to be found.

Everly was soon brought back to reality when the evidence room doors opened. She didn't hesitate to follow Rumplestiltskin and Zelena inside before closing the door behind her. Since it was her second time in the room within the last twenty-four hours, the Thorne woman wasn't as interested in the objects surrounding her. However, the same couldn't be said about Zelena.

The former Wicked Witch laughed as she looked around at all of the objects in the room. "You can take the Dark One out of the pawnshop..." Zelena trailed off after watching Rumplestiltskin unlock a gate and walk into an even smaller room. "So what have you got down here for me then? Crossbow? Samurai sword?"

"I'm not giving you a crossbow, because you don't need one," the Dark One declared as he walked out of the room and placed a golden box on the table between him and the two women.

"What, so I'm supposed to fight a serial killer with a tchotchke?" the redheaded woman questioned without even attempting to hide the annoyance in her voice.

"I have to agree with Zelena on this one. This isn't your best work.," Everly announced, drawing all attention to her before she looked over at Rumplestiltskin and continued speaking, "how is some box supposed to help us find Cassie?"

"You're not going up against Hansel. You're fighting your past," the Dark One declared, earning a confused look from the Thorne woman that he and Zelena both chose to ignore. Not even a second after that passed when Rumplestiltskin slid the box over to the former Wicked Witch. "And that requires something entirely different."

Zelena just stared at the man in front of her for a moment before reaching for the box and opening the lid. A small smile soon appeared on the redheaded woman's face as she pulled the familiar object out of the box. "My necklace. How on Earth is this gonna help me? Kelly doesn't have magic."

"The Wicked Witch I knew didn't need magic. She found a way to survive even when it killed her. And do you know how I know that? Because you're still here, annoying me," the Dark One responded while the redheaded woman continued to stare at him with no emotion in her eyes.

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