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Cassie had been trying all night to wake up the rest of their family with very little success. The best she could do was get into Lucas' dreams and show him memories of his past life. None of them knew if it would work but they knew it was worth a shot. By the time she finished in his dream, the Throne girl went to enter the next one, only to find that morning had come. To her dismay, none of their family enjoyed taking naps so any more attempts would have to be done later that night.

While Roland and Jasper stayed by Cassie's side while she rested, Fletcher and Dawn sat with their parents in the living room. None of them said a word, mainly due to none of them knowing what to say. They were all worried about the Coven of the Eight's spell and how they had no idea what it was going to do. It brought both Everly and Felix back to the time when Peter Pan cast his own version of the Curse, which ruined both of their lives.

It wasn't long before a loud crack of thunder came from the outside world, causing everyone to jump out of their skin. Everly didn't hesitate to get to her feet and look out the window, only for her blood to run cold. Dark clouds took over the blue sky and covered every inch of light. To the cursed citizens of Hyperion Heights, it was just another stormy day. But to anyone awake, they knew what they truly meant. Everly jumped when someone began pounding on the front door. She instantly exchanged an uncertain look with Felix before walking across the room to open it. Her confusion soon transformed into concern when she found Lucy standing in the hall with a terrified look on her face.

"It didn't work!" the Mills girl exclaimed as she walked past Everly and sat down next to Fletcher and Dawn.

The Thorne woman couldn't help but exchange another confused look with her husband. It wasn't long after that when she closed the door and sat back down next to him. Everly just stared at her niece until she found the courage to speak. "What are you talking about? What didn't work?"

"True Love's Kiss. My mom and Henry kissed. And before you tell me about his heart being poisoned, I fixed that," Lucy explained while everyone continued to stare at her with blank looks on their faces, causing the young girl to let out a long sigh, "I found all the pieces of the Glass Slipper and Mr. Samdi cured him but it doesn't matter, we're still cursed."

Another crack of thunder filled the air as soon as Lucy finished speaking, making everyone look over at the window. It wasn't long before Cassie, Roland, and Jasper joined them, the former unable to get the rest she needed due to all the noise. They sat there in silence for another long moment before Fletcher decided to break it. "I don't know about cursed, Lu, but something's definitely going on out there."

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