•|• Thirty-Seven

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A week has passed meaning it was time for them to meet with Sejin again to go over filming details and everything. Over the past few days, everyone had settled in and was used to being around other people 24/7. Yoongi had started to open up to them a little bit about his past. He had talked about his financial situation a few times among a few other things that were hard for him to talk about.

Jin had learned he enjoyed cooking for the others, which is what he spent a lot of his time on. But besides that, he did enjoy just having others around to talk to and joke around with. They all had such different personalities but somehow worked together.

Namjoon and Jimin had become quite close over the past few days surprising everyone since they were kind of an odd pairing. But it worked. The two always liked to talk about different books and go into detail about every little thing about them. It was sort of their things they did every morning.

Taehyung and Hoseok had slowly started to get along better. They didn't fight much anymore and more or less were fine with each other. But by no means was everything back to normal, in fact, they had started fighting way too early in the morning. Everyone had just woken up and went downstairs and they were already yelling at each other. A wonderful way to start the morning.

"You just don't know when to stop do you?" Taehyung yelled.

"I did nothing to you," Hoseok shot back.

"You did!" Taehyung exclaimed. "You always blame me for things that didn't happen. Or you haven't heard the full story to."

"That was once."

"No, it's all the time. You did it again this morning when you couldn't find your phone. You blamed me for taking it, which I don't know why I would but you still blamed me. Then when you found it you didn't even apologize."

"Well, you didn't apologize when you hurt Jimin."

"How could I have? He didn't want to see or talk to me and you probably would have killed me if I was within 20 feet of him," Taehyung argued.

"Well, at least I'm not lying to him right now."

"At least I'm not scared to tell him things."

"You are though. You're scared to tell Jimin that you still have feelings for him just because you lied and told him you just wanted to be friends," Hoseok blurted out.

Jimin's eyes widened as his back straightened, sitting up on the couch. How could Taehyung lie to him?

"Okay, but so are you. You can't bring yourself to admit to him that you like him just because you don't want to ruin your friendship. And you can't tell him that's the real reason you hate me. Because I got in your way of being with him. Well, newsflash, if you don't take your chance someone else will, and then what? You won't even know if he ever liked you back because he'll already be with someone else he likes."

"You did not," Hoseok stepped closer to Taehyung, faces about six inches away from each other. They were both angry at each other, but neither was going to be the one to step down first.

Upon hearing Taehyung's words, Jimin stood up and walked past the two. They both lied to him or well didn't tell him the whole truth. What great friends he had, huh? He slammed the door to Jungkook's and his shared room. He threw himself on the neatly made bed and struggled to not break down crying. How else was he supposed to react to this? He just found out two of his friends have feelings for him and never had the decency to tell him.

Two seconds passed before tears were streaming down his face. Why did this have to happen? He should've never ordered the stupid album, then he wouldn't be here to hear any of this. He jumped up from the bed and grabbed his bag, He set it down and went into the closet grabbing all his clothes. He brought them back out and shoved them into his bag, tears still streaming down his face.

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