•|• Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Jimin felt a hand shaking on his shoulder. He whined trying to shake the hand off. He just wanted to go back to sleep. Last night, he and Taehyung were talking until really late not thinking about the consequences of having to wake up early the next morning.

"Hey Min-ah," Jin called softly. "You need to get up. You and Hoseokie have to leave in just over an hour to talk to Sejin-ssi."

Jin whined again. He really didn't want to get up. Why couldn't he just sleep for a little while longer. It's not like he took that long to get ready, right?


Jimin didn't get up for another 20 minutes and he ended up taking way longer than he needed to in the shower. Don't blame him, it was nice to be in the shower. In turn that meant, he and Hoseok were probably going to be late. And it was his fault. But hey, at least he enjoyed his warm shower.

"I'm sorry Hyung," Jimin said, rushing into the entryway of the apartment. He grabbed his shows and put them on, making quick work to knot the laces. He grabbed a hoodie off of the coat rack and slipped it up and over his head. He pulled it down, ruffling his hair to make it lay flat on his head again and not look like a mess, before grabbing a hat and his keys.

"Are you ready now?" Hoseok asked, having already been ready, 3o minutes prior.

"Yes," Jimin said, adjusting the black beanie on his head once more. "Sorry, I really didn't want to get up this morning. You know how I am about that."

"Don't worry it's okay. Besides I'm sure it'll be fine if we're a few minutes late. Jungkook it late by an hour most of the time so a few minutes probably won't matter."

They walked out of the apartment and into the elevator. Hoseok clicked the button for the bottom floor. Jungkook wasn't coming with them because he needed to get some songs written for his next album. He was technically off break now, which meant he actually needed to start writing and producing some new songs.

There was a black SUV waiting for them that was pulled up in front of the building. They both slid in settling themselves as the car slowly pulled away from the building. Jimin sucked in a breath before letting it out.

"You okay?" Hoseok asked. He looked over at the younger a little worried about the sudden breath he just let out.

"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous. I don't know what Sejin-ssi wants to talk to us about so it worries me a bit. I just hope it's not anything bad," Jimin revealed.

"I'm sure everything will be fine," Hoseok gave him a comforting smile. Hoseok held out his hand taking Jimin's into his. He rubbed his thumb over the back of Jimin, hoping for it to give the younger some comfort. Jimin smiled back, before turning his head to look at the building passing by.

10 minutes later they pulled into the BigHit parking lot. The driver stopped at the front door, allowing Jimin and Hoseok to get out. They both walked in through the doors, not hesitating to go to where they always end up meeting.

Hoseok knocked on the door, just in case, someone was in there, before opening the door. Hoseok spotted Sejin inside when he walked in a little further and immediately bowed. Jimin following behind him did the same, not even hesitating.

"Please sit," Sejin said motioning to the chairs in front of him. Hoseok and Jimin both took a seat in two of the chairs in front of the older. "Good morning. How are your guys' days going?"

"Good," Hoseok nodded smiling.

"What about you?" Sejin asked, looking towards Jimin.

"It's been okay. I mean I kind of woke up late. I apologize for being late by the way," Jimin bowed his head again.

"It's alright. It was only a few minutes anyway," Sejin waved his hand in front of him. "Anyway, I have heard that both of you dance and teach at a studio to Advance students and beginners. Is that right?"

"Yeah. We normally make up choreography and then teach it to them," Hoseok answered.

"I was wondering if you two would like to be back-up dancers for Jungkook at the Grammys? Of course, I would need to see you two dance, but I think it would be nice for you two to be back-up dancers. Only if you want to of course."

Jimin looked over at Hoseok, making eye contact with him. "What would we be dancing to?" Jimin asked.

"Well, mainly just as back-up dancers, but during the instrumental, we need two people to lift Jungkook to do this spin move and I thought you two would be perfect to do it since you are pretty close to him and he trusts you. He always gets a little nervous when it's someone else doing it that he doesn't know."

"I would love to honestly," Hoseok said. "It sounds like fun. I also miss dancing."

Sejin smiled, "Great! What about you Jimin-ah? You don't have to. I won't take offence if you don't want to."

"I think I want to. It sounds fun and as long as I'm not going to be alone it should be fine," Jimin responded. He did want to, but he was worried that he wasn't going to be good enough. Performing on a Grammy's stage was a big deal. And he was just someone who taught dancing to some beginner students.

Hoseok was looking at Jimin as if he knew what was going on inside Jimin's head. It was something that used to happen a lot, but as the years went on it got better. "Hey, Minnie. Don't think that."

Jimin blinked looking at the older. He flushed a little, looking down embarrassed.

"What do you mean?" Sejin asked, questioning what was going on between the two. Hoseok looked at the younger, asking him permission to talk about it. Jimin just nodded softly, keeping his head down though a little too embarrassed.

"He had body image issues. He has for a while now and it's just something he deals with daily. He is always thinking about how he can improve his image. Most of the time it involves losing weight or lifting weights and working out. There have been times when it's gotten so bad that he's passed out. He had been rushed to the hospital before. It's something he still struggles with, but it's gotten better over the years," Hoseok explained all of this carefully.

"Jimin-ah," Sejin said softly. "I don't want you to stress about this or anything. If it's going to hurt your health I don't want you to do this."

"No!" Jimin rushed to say. "It won't. I would love to. I won't let it mess with my health."

"Are you sure?" Sejin asked.

"I promise. You can even have Hoseok-Hyung monitor me and my health. I don't care, but I want to do this. He can make sure I eat and not work out too often."

Sejin turned to look at Hoseok. "Will you?" Sejin didn't want to take any chances with Jimin. "It's not that I don't trust you Jimin-ah, I just don't want to take any chances."

"It's alright. I understand," Jimin nodded. "I'll try my best to make sure I keep a normal diet and exercise."

"Wonderful." Sejin smiled. "Tomorrow could you both come in for a little audition? I just want to see what you guys can do."

Hoseok nodded smiling.

"Alight well that's all for today. I have to attend another meeting. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Sejin stood up exiting the room.

"Min-ah. Are you okay?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah," Jimin nodded, "Are you ready to go. I want to go back and see the others."

"Sure, we can go now. I just wanted to make sure you're okay. You don't have to deal with the voices alone. You can talk to me you know."

"I know and I will if I feel the need to talk to you I will," Jimin smiled. He understood that Hoseok was worried about him but he was fine. Everything was just fine. 


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