•|• Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Warning: Kind of smut, but not really.

Also please read my author's note at the bottom. It is very important. 


Taehyung led them all out of the room, but quickly learned he couldn't remember where he was going. Jungkook ended up going in front of him and leading them all down to his practice room. On the way there, Jungkook peaked inside TxT's practice room and saw they were all dancing.

Jungkook didn't want to bother them so he kept walking past them and eventually they all were stepping inside the practice room Jungkook always uses.

"So this is the room you practice in?" Namjoon asked looking around. There was a full wall of mirrors stretching from the ceiling to the floor, speakers in the corner of the room, and a camera hanging from the ceiling on one wall. Most likely for filming practice videos. The floors were wood and the walls were covered in a similar color paneling.

"Yep, this is it. It's not much, but it's where most of the magic happens, for dancing anyways," Jungkook smiled.

"I would love to practice in this room. It's so big and the mirrors cover the whole wall which is nice," Hoseok commented. The studio he and Jimin taught in had mirrors the didn't quite stretch to the floor and the rooms were much smaller than this one here. It would be his dream to be able to teach in a room this size.

"Are the ones you teach at not that big?" Jungkook asked, curious.

"They're not that small, but the mirrors don't quite reach the floor from the ceiling which is kind of annoying. Eventually, you learn to work around it though."

"That reminds me," Jungkook started. "I want to see you and Jimin-Hyung dance."

"Now?" Jimin asked hesitantly.

"Please? I really want to see. Besides I bet you are really good," Jungkook begged.

Jimin sighed and nodded, looking over at Hoseok. They had a few duets they practiced, some of which were harder than others. "Which one do you want to do?" Jimin asked, not wanting to be the one to pick. See, Jimin loved all of them so if he were to pick it would take his ages.

"Why don't we do the most recent one?" Hoseok suggested. "I know you like that one a lot."

Jimin nodded and got into position, while Hoseok pulled out his phone. He quickly hooked it up to the speaker system and handed his phone over to Jungkook, so he could press play while Hoseok got into position. "Okay," Hoseok nodded at Jungkook.

Jungkook pressed play and the music filled the room. Jimin started the dance moving around gracefully before Hoseok came to life and started dancing in sync with the younger. Jimin then froze a few seconds later behind Hoseok, while he did a combination of moves that he made look easy. Hoseok dropped to the floor and Jimin did a sideways flip of him landing just in front of Hoseok's head. They continued dancing in sync, before finally they finished the last move and the music stopped.

The room was silent as they were all speechless at what they just watched. "So? How was it?" Jimin asked, trying to tame his breathing.

"Wonderful. You guys were amazing. I don't even know what else to say," Jungkook exclaimed.

"It wasn't that good," Hoseok commented. "There were definitely a few things we could've done better."

"No, no, no. It was perfect. I don't know how much better it can get than that. And Jimin-Hyung when you jumped over Hoseok-Hyung I, I stopped breathing. I almost thought you were going to land on him, but you didn't," Taehyung said, still not believing what he just saw was Jimin and Hoseok. Sure he used to be close with them, but even then he had never seen either of them dance. He doesn't know why, but he wished he would've watched them sooner.

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