•|• Chapter Fourty

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Namjoon nodded and walked upstairs. He knocked on the door slightly, before entering Jungkook's room. There sat Jungkook on his bed. He looked like he was trying his best not to cry. Namjoon sat down, softly announcing his presence. That's when Jungkook broke.

Jungkook's head was lowered as he let out muffled sounds. Namjoon tried his best to comfort the younger but he didn't really know what to do.

"Jungkook-ah," Namjoon whispered softly in his ear. "It's okay."

"I'm sorry," Jungkook let out. He had tried his best not to cry, but all those emotions he kept just came out.

10 minutes passed before Jungkook started to calm down. Maybe he should've talked about this to someone sooner. Then it might not have come out like this or anything.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked. "It can't just be about Jin and I kissing."

"It's not," Jungkook confirmed. "But I've never talked to anyone about it. And if I'm being honest, I don't plan on it."

"It might help if you talk about it to someone," Namjoon reasons.

"I don't know, I just. It's hard to talk about it as you can tell, I can barely even think about it without having a hard time."

"I don't want to push, so tell me when you're ready if you want to."

Jungkook looked down. He did want to tell Namjoon. He did want to tell someone everything that happened. No one else in the world knows about it, but Jungkook wants someone to know. Namjoon stood up getting ready to walk out. He wanted to leave Jungkook alone, figuring he needed some space.

"Wait," Jungkook called out. "Can I, Can I actually tell you?"

"If you want to, but don't feel pressured," Namjoon assured the younger.

Jungkook nodded gathering his thoughts. He needed to think about how he was going to say everything. "Well, when I was 18 I had met this guy. We were really close friends and hung out all the time. Well, in between being an idol and stuff. He was the closest friend I had had since before I became an idol. Every day off I had for a few months I would spend it with him. We did everything together on those days. Having his around was like I had someone other than Sejin-Hyung to lean on."

"What do you mean?" Namjoon asked.

"Well, when I became an idol my parents thought it was stupid, They said I would never make it or no one would ever want someone like me working under their label. When I got into BigHit Sejin had taken me under his wing. He was that parental figure to me. But as I got older there are just some things you wouldn't want them to know. And those things I didn't tell him, I would talk to the other guys about. His name is Daewon," Jungkook explained.

"Well fast forward a few months. I had probably known Daewon for about 6 or 7 months. We were super close and I had started to develop feelings for him. One night I made a move and kissed him. He kissed me right back, so I assumed he liked me too. Every day after that when we would see each other we would kiss and make out. We never ended up going any further, but we were both happy with making out. And we would for hours upon hours."

"One day, Sejin-Hyung called and told me I had a free day because something happened with a photoshoot. I was planning on surprising him by going to see him. Now about a month prior he had given me a key to his apartment, saying I was welcome anytime. When I got to his apartment I tried to be as quiet as possible when entering. I think I wanted to scare him or something. When I peeked into his living room, I saw him laying on the couch with another guy above him. They were making out and looked close to going further."

"I left just as quietly as I went in and spend the rest of the day upset with him and myself. Why didn't I notice he was seeing someone else. The next free day I had off was about three weeks later. One of the biggest times I went without a break. He invited me over, so I went. I wanted to talk to him about everything and clear some things up. It was clear the fans could tell something was wrong with me and Sejin-Hyung was starting to also."

"When I got there I asked him about it and he told me the truth. I'm glad he told me everything instead of hiding things. He told me that about a week after we first kissed, he and the other guy kissed. He was basically playing both of us. Then he told me everything between us was done. He said he was done being around, being friends with me, kissing me, everything. And I took that pretty hard. So even though I had him first and everything was going well, it obviously wasn't. The other guy got him," Jungkook finished.

"That's why I got so jealous because it's not the first time it's happened to me. Now I know you probably don't want to think about a relationship with anyone and I really have no right of being jealous of you kissing Jin-Hyung. You're not mine to be jealous of."

"Jungkook-ah, I'm sorry about Daewon and your parents. And I probably shouldn't have kissed Jin last night," Namjoon sighed. "I'm not going to lie to you because I don't want to do that and it's not what I do. But that second night when we kissed. I told you how Jin-Hyung had feelings for me and I said what I think about him. Well, in the back of my mind I was also thinking that all those things described you. That's why I couldn't decide if I wanted Jin-Hyung or not. Up until last night, I thought I liked you, but the Hyung kissed me. I don't know these just something about both of you. I think I just need to figure things out in my head," Namjoon started.

"And you did have every right to be jealous. We kissed twice, made out twice, whatever you want to call it. I just need to put my thought together and I'm sure you do too. I'm not stupid Jungkook. I can see the way you look at Jimin. I see the way you look at him when he stands up of at the dinner table. I can tell something going on in your head with him. I don't blame you though. He hot, cute, sexy whatever you want to call it," Namjoon said.

"I did not know it was obvious that I looked at him like that," Jungkook said, thinking he hid that pretty well.

"Well, the truth is when you have 7 extreamly hot men living in the same apartment, that are all either gay or bi there is going to be some problems. You're going to think someones hot or whatnot. And I wouldn't be surprised if any of us have sex with someone by the end of this. All I'm saying is that I think both you and I need to figure out what we want before we say this or that. You clearly have a thing for Jimin and I guess I have a thing for Jin-hyung. But I can tell we both hold onto each other in a way."

"Maybe we do just need a bit of time. I think I need to realize also that you aren't Daewon. You aren't going to leave me. Even if you end up with Jin-hyung or whoever, that we'll still be friends," Jungkook said.

Namjoon nodded agreeing with Jungkook. "We'll still be friends no matter what."

"Sorry for earlier," Jungkook said embarrassed.

"It's alright. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone about it. Now enough of this conversation that we can continue another time. Let go downstairs and see what the others are doing," Namjoon smiled standing up.

Jungkook stood up following Namjoon out of the room. "Okay, but is it that obvious that I stare at Jimin-hyung in that way?"

"No. I can tell by the way he looks at you that something goes on between you guys when you are in your room and bedtime," Namjoon explained.


"Nope. No more talking about this," Namjoon interrupted Jungkook.

Jungkook closed his mouth and followed Namjoon into the living room. They both took a seat in the two empty seats alongside the other and got into conversation with them. 


Hello, shot chapter everyone. This is just meant to finish out the scene from the last chapter. I will try to make Sunday's chapter a bit longer to make up for this chapter being a little short. Anyway hope you enjoy your Morning/Afternoon/Night. 


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