•|• Chapter Eighty-Five

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Warning: Big smut scene in the middle of this chapter. 


"Okay his show ends at 10, so if you want to surprise him during one of his breaks you can," Sejin explained to them.

"Okay, I was thinking we could make sure he sees us when he has his last outfit change before the end of the concert," Jin suggested. "I think it would definitely surprise him and he wouldn't be able to hold in his excitement."

"That'll be good. I just can't wait to be close to him again. It's been so long," Jimin said, having been missing the younger one a lot more than he originally thought he would.

As promised they all talked on facetime every night for at least 30 minutes, but it still wasn't enough. Honestly, they should all be sick of each other by now, but they aren't. They all feel like they don't get to talk to him enough.

It doesn't help that they had all seen clips and photos from concerts of Jungkook looking god-like. But this was his last concert in Paris and they have 4 days of nothing before he has to leave for the next city.

"Okay, you guys can pretty much just hide in one of the rooms and one of the staff members will come and get you before the last break," Sejin said. They had all gotten to the venue much earlier than Jungkook, not wanting to risk spoiling the surprise.

They had been planning this for weeks now and it needed to be perfect. It sucked because they had to lie to Jungkook last night because they were flying here and were unable to call them. They all felt so bad and Jungkook didn't seem to be in a good mood after his show yesterday. Jin had ended up texting him for a while just to make sure the younger was okay, before saying goodnight saying he had to sleep early.

They all followed behind Sejin as they were led into a room with two couches and a bunch of food on a table. "Here we are. You guys can stay here and someone will be here to get you in around 3 hours. Let someone know if you need something."

"Alright, thank you again. We really appreciate this," Yoongi smiled, as he thanked the older one once again.

"Anytime, I'm just glad Jungkook-ah has you guys. He seems so much happier now."

"We try," Hoseok laughed.


Jungkook arrived at the concert venue a few hours before the show and he was immediately rushed to sound check. He performed 4 songs at soundcheck: 07, Phone Number, Flight Risk, and Disease.

Once he finished soundcheck he went back underneath the stage to get ready. He was tired and he missed his boyfriends. He couldn't talk to them last night and he still didn't know why. It didn't help that he wasn't in a good mood after the concert yesterday. All he had wanted to do was talk to them, yet they were busy.

So, after getting a terrible night's sleep he was here. Tired, but ready to do this last concert in Paris. Don't get him wrong, he loved performing, but it was hard. All he wanted was to kiss and cuddle his boyfriends. He wanted a shoulder to lean on when he was mad at himself. But they weren't there. They were halfway across the world in South Korea.

"Jungkook, the setlist is the same as last night, so you should be good on that. How are you feeling?"

"Fine. I just hope I sing better tonight. Last night I was so shaky. It was the worst performance I've had in years," Jungkook said, but soon wished he hadn't said anything after seeing the look on the older one's face.

"Jungkook-ah, I don't know what you're talking about. You had one voice crack yesterday. It happens and it wasn't all over Twitter. There's no reason to get down on yourself about it."

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