•|• Forty-Two

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This was going to be a fun talk.

Don't get Jungkook wrong he loved having both of them to talk to, but sometimes they talked to him a little too much. Over the past few months, they haven't really been talking, but before it was like they lived with him. Jungkook couldn't be mad about them wanting to know what he's up to. In fact, they have known him for way too long, so it's only normal.

Jungkook took a seat on the other couch that was currently unoccupied. "Jungkook-ah," Si-hyuk called. Jungkook smiled mumbling out a 'hello.' He really hoped the older wouldn't be able to tell he's been drinking. "How have you been?"

"Good. The others and I have been having a fun time living together and filming," Jungkook answered.

"I mean how are you? Not the others but you." Si-hyuk repeated.

"Fine," Jungkook answered.

"Fine as it good? Or fine as in bad?" Sejin asked.

"Good. I'm happy to have them here and it's nice to not be alone in this apartment for once. What are you two actually doing here because I know you know that I'm good? There has to be another reason," Jungkook questioned.

"Have you been drinking?" Si-hyuk asked.

"He has been along with the others," Sejin said.

"At 1 pm on a Wednesday? Really Jungkook-ah?"

"What it's not like I'm posting anything about it or doing anything reckless. I'm only 21 you know."

"We know Jungkook and we're sorry you don't get to go out and do stupid things, but that's the price you pay for becoming an idol," Si-hyuk explained.

"I know," Jungkook mumbled. "What are you guys here for now?"

"Well, this morning a letter was dropped off at the company. We didn't open it because it was addressed to you, but you might want to take a look at who it's from," Sejin said, taking the letter out of his pocket. Jungkook grabbed the letter and looked at the front of the envelope.

"What do you mean? Isn't it just a letter? Why do both of you need to be here for it?" Jungkook asked, letting out a slight laugh. "To Jeon Jungkook. From Jeon Woojin and Jeon Minseo." Jungkook read in his head. "Who dropped this off?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't know, it was just there," Si-hyuk responded. "Those names are your parents' names, huh?"

Jungkook nodded questions whether he should open the envelope in the first place. His parents didn't mean anything to him now, not since they didn't support him in any way when he became an idol. What could they possibly want now? They had always wanted him to run their small family business, but Jungkook's dreams were somewhere else. Somewhere where they didn't support him. They always thought it was stupid that he wanted to sing and dance for a career, to become an idol.


"Kookie!" His mother called from the kitchen. 12-year-old Jungkook had stood up and went into the kitchen.

"Yes?" Jungkook asked.

"What is this?" His mother asked, holding up a piece of paper. It wasn't just any piece of paper though. It was for a dancing group right in town that Jungkook really wanted to join. He loved dancing and did it in whatever free time he had. The same with singing.

"It's a dance group. They hold classes right here in town and I was wondering if I would be able to join?" Jungkook asked hopefully. He really loved dancing and his dream was to become like the idols he saw on t.v on music shows or at concerts. Jungkook already had singing classes at school, but there was nothing for dancing at his school.

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