•|• Chapter Seventy-Six

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"I swear this fucking stupid ass kid in my class," Jin swore setting his keys down on the counter. Jungkook was in the kitchen grabbing something to drink when Jin came in. "This stupid kid in my acting class would not stop fucking talking today. I couldn't even hear the professor talk."

He turned around and reached up into the cupboard to grab a glass. "I swear he just would shut up and when I said something it didn't-"

Jin stopped when he felt arms wrap around his waist. A head rested on his tense shoulders and he took a breath, stopping.

"Hyung-ah," Jungkook said. Jin's shoulders relaxed and he let himself lean on Jungkook a little, to take some of it off his stressed body. Had a month left school before he would finally be done, but this month was proving to be challenging.

Jungkook pressed a kiss on Jin's shoulders as he closed the cupboard, placing the glass on the counter. Jin turned around in Jungkook's hold and sighed.

"I'm sorry Jungkook-ah. I'm sure you had a hard day today too and don't want to hear about my problems."

"Hey, it's okay. I don't want you to keep it all built up inside yourself. If you need to talk you have me and everyone else. Don't keep it inside you, okay?"

Jin laughed slightly, laying his head down on Jungkook's shoulder. "What would I do without you?"

"I don't know. Die maybe."

Jin slapped the younger arm laughing. "Shut up," he laughed.

Jungkook laughed, stepping away from the older. "If you need to talk though or let out steam we're all here for you."

"I know Jungkook-ah don't worry. I'm just done with school and want to graduate now. I'm done with the whole experience. Plus I'll have more time for all of you."

"I know Jin-Hyung. You're almost done though. Plus you can't be too mad. It's Friday. You don't have class until Monday again. And we're going apartment shopping tomorrow! You can't tell me you're not excited."

"I am, I am," Jin smiled. "I can't wait to find a place where we can all call home and is big enough for us." Jin leaned over and placed a soft kiss on the younger lips, Jungkook melting into the kiss. It had been about two months since they all talked about their feelings and a lot had happened.

Jin was almost done with school. Yoongi had moved in and sold his trailer. He got a job at BigHit Entertainment starting to work as a producer on Jungkook's team. Hoseok and Jimin continued to work at their dance studio, even though Jungkook wanted them on his team. He seriously begged them everyday. Maybe they started to come around? Namjoon had continued taking lawyer cases every so often, it not being a super important thing. He helped a lot around the house since he was the one home often. And Taehyung, well Taehyung still did his vlogs and youtube channel which was still doing good. Jungkook had started to work on his next album and spent a lot of time with the songs he sent a few months back.

"Jungkook-ah," Taehyung said walking into the kitchen. "I swear if I hear Namjoon-Hyung talk about one more book I don't understand I'm going to die. Where is Jimin? I don't understand what he's talking about. Help me."

"Hyung, I'm sure you're fine," Jungkook joked. "It can't be that bad."

"It is though. Where's Jimin?"

"You know Hyung, if you read the books then maybe you'll understand what is going on when he talks about them."

"Who the hell likes to read. It's boring."

"I do Taehyung-ah," Jimin said, setting his keys down on the counter, Hoseok following behind him. "You know, it's just the beginning part that is hard to get through. Once you do, then there will be action and stuff going on."

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