•|• Chapter Four

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>The day the album releases<

Jungkook woke up that morning knowing his album was released at midnight and the MV was dropped. He also knew Army's had big plans to get the MV to 100 million views in 24 hours.

Quite frankly, he was happy with any amount of views and 100 million was crazy, but he would never doubt them. They could do it if they really wanted to.

Jungkook opened his phone and went onto Twitter scrolling through his feed and what was trending. Of course, his name was trending along with his title track, Euphoria. They would probably be trending all day.

Jungkook had to attend a music show today, tomorrow, and the day after. He wasn't too thrilled, it's the same thing every time. It gets repetitive. He always ended up winning because no other big idols would schedule a comeback within a week of his.

Jungkook finally got off social media and got ready for his day of a music show and maybe an interview or something. He couldn't remember his schedule half the time. Maybe that's why he is always late.

After Jungkook was all ready he made his way to the company.


"Hobi-Hyung, are you streaming?" Jimin asked.

"Yes, I have 3 devices going right now," Hoseok yelled.

Jimin and Hoseok have been up since midnight streaming Jungkook's new song. They really wanted this MV to his 100 million views in 24 hours.

They were also waiting for their albums to arrive from BigHit today. They both had their schedules free, planning to spend most of the day streaming.

About an hour later, the doorbell rang. Jimin stood up and went to the front door seeing two boxes stacked outside.

"Hyung! They're here! The albums arrived," Jimin yelled, bringing the two boxes into his and Hoseok's shared apartment.

Hoseok ran into the living room where Jimin had put the boxes down on the floor. Jimin sat down in front of the boxes, Hoseok next to him. They both took their boxes and started opening them.

"It's so big," Jimin said when he saw the size of Jungkook's new album, Map of the Soul 7.

"It is," Hoseok agreed.

"Alright, you want to open yours first? There was a chance of 4 different photo books we could get in the album," Jimin asked.

"Alright, I'll go first," Hoseok said, slowly opening the album.

"I got version 4! Hoseok yelled immediately recognizing it.

Jimin opened his immediately after as Hoseok looked through the album.

"2, I got version 2," Jimin said, having wanted version 3. But Jimin was happy he at least had an album.

As Jimin started looking through his album, Hoseok noticed something odd in his album. There was a paper and upon further inspection, it had a phone number on it.

"Hyung what is this?" Jimin asks, showing Hoseok the same paper he had in his album.

"I don't know Jimin, I have the same one," Hoseok said.

"Are you going to, you know, text the number?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know, should I?" Hoseok asked.

"Maybe we should wait a little bit?" Jimin suggested.

Hoseok nodded, placing the paper back into the album, Jimin doing the same.

"Alright, Hobi-Hyung. We should probably get back to streaming," Jimin said.

"Okay, I will in a few minutes," Hoseok said, as Jimin walked back to his bedroom.

Hoseok and Jimin had been best friends since early childhood. They had been living together since they both got into college, which they have both graduated with their degrees.

Jimin and Hoseok both taught dance. Jimin has a lot of patience when it comes to teaching, so he teaches a beginner class, while Hoseok teaches an advanced class where he didn't need as much patience.

They both loved teaching dance and they both made pretty good money. They always split the bills fifty-fifty which is no problem with both of them. They have been splitting the bills the same way since they moved in and it has worked for that long.

Although they were really good friends, Hoseok had kind of developed feelings for Jimin about a year ago. Hoseok didn't do anything about it, not wanting it to ruin anything. So, he kept it hidden, and as far as Hoseok was concerned Jimin and him were just friends. But deep down, Hoseok knew he wanted something more.

Hoseok stood up from the floor, taking their two albums and setting them on the shelf they just cleared specifically for this album.

He couldn't help but think about the phone number. Should he just text it and see what it is? He knows he told Jimin he would wait, but Hoseok isn't very patient.

He grabs the album and takes the number out of it logging onto his phone. He enters the number in his phone and thinks about what he should say.

Should he just say Hi? Or maybe say, he was one who got the number? Should he even text the number at all?

Hoseok sighs not knowing what to do.

After 5 minutes Hoseok was still sitting there contemplating what to do.

"Fuck it," Hoseok says starting to type.


Hello, I received this number in Jungkook's album and for all I know it's nothing, but I was just so curious I wanted to see.



Hoseok freaks out when he sees the typing. What is the person going to say? More importantly, who is the person behind the number?


Hello everyone, I am sorry this took so long to upload. I have been away for a few days and didn't get the chance to post this. I finally got home so here it is. I hope you enjoyed it and are looking forward to the next one.


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