•|• Chapter Seventy-Eight

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A/n: This chapter is 90% smut of talking about smut. Enjoy. Also didn't proofread either.


"I know we said when we bought this apartment that nothing can bring us apart before death, but I think the bed will," Yoongi said.

Here's the thing, they order a bed specially, so it would fit all of them. And it arrived, but it was really fucking big, and now they had to get it up the stairs and inside the room at the end of the little hallway. Which was a lot further than they had first thought.

"Well if you stop complaining them maybe we would actually get this done faster," Jimin said.

"Okay, Okay. Maybe we should take a break," Jin suggested.

"No, no breaks. Once we get it up the stairs it will be easier. If we stop now then we'll just have to get started again, which will make it even worse," Hoseok says.

Currently, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon we trying to get this bed up the stairs. It's proving to be much harder than they first thought. Maybe they should have accepted the help of the movers.

"Okay, on 3 were going to lift and start going up the stairs. We move in one motion, not 4," Namjoon orders. "1, 2, 3, lift."

They all lift and Jin and Yoongi slowly start moving up the stairs taking one step at a time. Namjoon and Hoseok follow, the movement being smooth. Finally, after the third attempt at this, they reached the top of the stairs.

"See there. No need to get all mad and stuff. We got it. Now the rest is easy," Namjoon said.

After a few more minutes they finally get the bed settled inside the master room. They pick a corner and place it down there, making sure it's steady.

"We are never moving this fucking bed," Yoongi swears.

"Language," Jin says.

"I'm not 5 and neither is anyone else. If I want to swear I can. I'm going to put things in my room now. Have a nice night," Yoongi says, clearly something bothering him.

He exits the room, heading back down the stairs to grab boxes full of his things. Once he kicks open the door to his room, he set all his boxes down and shuts the door. He flips on the light switch and looks around.

His room is painted a light grey color and there is a bed centered in the room with a dresser on the opposite wall. He walked over to his closet that wasn't very big, something all of the rooms had.

Since he got his own room, he didn't get one of the rooms with a bathroom. That's just how they separated them. They spent a lot of time doing that, but when it came down to it, their rooms were just where all their things were going to be.

Jungkook ended up getting his own room, with a bathroom because he was the one that worked the most and had to be up early and work late depending on the day. Plus it was the closest to the stairs. It just made sense if he had work to do at home late at night.

Taehyung and Hoseok ended up sharing a room with a bathroom. Don't ask, they were the ones that wanted to. And Namjoon and Jin also ended up sharing a room with the other bathroom. Leaving the last room for Jimin.

Yoongi went to grab his hangers before he stopped. His phone was ringing in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw the caller id. Yoongi rolled his eyes but answered it.

"Yoongi-yah, Hello."

"Hello mother," Yoongi said. "I thought I told you to stop calling."

"I know, I know. But Yoongi. I'm worried about you. Last time you said you were struggling for money and I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

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