•|• Chapter Fifty-Nine

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"Hey Joon-Hyung."

Namjoon looked up from the coffee pot that was brewing the coffee. It seemed to be taking forever this morning. He woke up quite early this morning and was not able to fall back asleep for the life of him, so here he was, making coffee at 5 in the morning.

He was going to be tired by the end of the day tonight. They were going to be recording another episode today and they were all planning on going out to dinner to celebrate Jungkook since he's going to be performing at the Grammy's.

He looked over at the entrance to the kitchen and saw Jimin standing there. His blonde hair was a mess on top of his head and he was wearing a very big oversized sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants. He looked so small and tiny in the clothes. His hands were barely visible in the sleeves of the sweatshirt causing Jimin to look even smaller.

"Yes, Minnie?"

"Why are you up so early?" he asked, his hand coming up to rub at his tired eyes. He too was having the same issue as the older. He wasn't able to fall back asleep either.

"I couldn't fall back asleep, so I'm just making so coffee to keep me awake and get me going for the day. Would you like me to make you a cup also?" Namjoon asked noticing Jimin was eyeing the coffee pot. He probably had the same idea as Namjoon. The faster he got coffee into his system the easier it would be to stay awake for longer, instead of just sitting in bed staring at the ceiling.

"Yes please," Jimin nodded a tired smile forming on his face. "How was your night last night?"

"Fine besides the fact that I wasn't able to sleep much, but it is what it is. Everyone has those days. After I make this coffee, do you want to sit down and find something to watch? I'm sure we can find something interesting."

"Yeah," Jimin nodded. He jumped up and sat on the counter his legs dangling off the edge of it. He clasped his hands together and laid them in his lap. "I'm almost done with that book you gave to me the other day."

"How do you like it?" Namjoon asked, before hearing the coffee pot beep. He turned around and started pouring the coffee into their glasses as Jimin spoke.

"I really like it so far. Just when I think I figure out what's going to happen next, there's a twist. It really keeps you on the edge of your seat, which is kind of nice honestly. I never can predict what is going to happen next," Jimin explained, his eyes lighting up as he spoke.

"I felt the same way," Namjoon chuckled, picking up both glasses. Jimin jumped down from the counter and took one from Namjoon's hand. They slowly made their way over to the living room. "It's the type of book that you don't see too often. Normally you can guess the end of a book if you really look into it, but this one no. You can't even guess what's going to happen in the next chapter."

Jimin nodded along as they both took a seat on the couch. They both shuffled a blanket over their laps so they weren't cold, holding their mugs of coffee close. "I honestly don't even want to try and guess what's going to happen next. I know I'll get it wrong, but that's what makes me want to keep reading. Not knowing what is going to happen makes me more interested."

"I get the feeling. Sometimes a book can get boring if you already know how the rest of it will play out, but this one you just can't guess. It's really impossible. I think I might check out the author and see if they have any other interesting books. I really like the way they right and how they keep us on our toes," Namjoon agreed with the younger.

"If you find any other good books by this author definitely let me know. I would be willing to read more of their books. Now, let's see what we can watch," Jimin said grabbing the remote on the table. He held his mug in one hand, trying not to spill it while turning on the t.v.

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