•|• Chapter Thirty-Two

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-Two days ago-

Jungkook sat down in the car, Sejin had come pick him up. He called Sejin just a few minutes ago to ask him about when he can have the others come. After their conversation this morning, Jungkook wanted to get back to the six of them as soon as possible.

The car drove off and Jungkook watched out the window, wondering when Sejin would say they could come. Of course they would all have to work out filming details and everything, but he did want to meet all of them. He'd become quite close with all of them and he wanted to know what they're like in person.

He still doesn't know Yoongi that well, but it's going to take some time. He only just met the guy at 3 in the morning this morning. He can tell Yoongi is a bit closed off and might not be as open about things as the other guys are, but hopefully Yoongi will warm up to them eventually.

Once the car pulled up to the front of the company building, Jungkook got out. He walked inside and made his way up to the meeting room. He opened the door, stepping inside. Sejin was already sitting down along with a few other staff members.

Jungkook sat down and looked up at Sejin.

"Goodmorning Jungkook-ssi," Sejin said.

"Morning," Jungkook greeted him back.

"So you tell me that you've met all 6 of them?" Sejin asked.

"Yeah I have. The last person texted me this morning. I already told them everything about why they have my number. I just need to know when we are going to be getting everything started."

"Well, when do you want to meet all of them?" Sejin asked.

"As soon as possible. I've known some of them for so long, but haven't met them in person yet."

"Well, if then you can decide when. Once they arrive and settle down in your apartment we can talk about filming and everything."

"Alright, how about I give them two or three days?" Jungkook suggested.

"Three days seems perfect. Gives them enough time to work everything out as well as us."

"Alright, I will tell them that then. Is there anything else?"

"Nope that should be it for now," Sejin smiled.

"Thank you. I'll see you soon then Sejin-hyung," Jungkook said, standing up.

He bowed, before exiting the room. He walked back to the front entrance and hopped into the car that was still waiting for him.

"Your apartment?" the driver asked.

"Yeah," Jungkook said.

Jungkook logged onto his phone as the car started moving.


Three days. You all have three days to pack.


I can't wait


Me too.


Are we getting picked up separately?


Yeah, it's going to be easier that way. We can all meet at my apartment.




I'm kind of nervous.


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