Chapter Forty-Seven

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A week has passed.

A week has passed and nothing had happened. No family members showed up unannounced. No letters have shown up from parents you haven't heard from in forever. No fighting has ensued. It had been a pretty quiet week overall for the 7 of them.

They finished recording a new episode of their show and had more than a few movie nights. They had all took a day and went shopping just to get out and spend money some of them didn't have.

Jungkook and Yoongi have managed to pretend nothing happened for the most part. They both successfully finished up all the songs they needed to get done. Jungkook's team liked the songs, so they were starting to get a move on with his next album. It still wouldn't be ready for months, but they had all the demo songs done.

It had been a really good week for all of them. It really couldn't have gone much better.

Jungkook had woken up on a warm and sunny Monday. He was alone in the room meaning Jimin had already been up and gotten ready.

Once Jungkook had gotten downstairs he saw four of six sitting in the living room. The only two not there were Yoongi and Namjoon. It was not uncommon for Yoongi to sleep in, but it was for Namjoon. He was normally up bright and early with Jin. "Hey Jungkook," Taehyung greeted him.

"Hi. Are Namjoon-Hyung and Yoongi-Hyung still sleeping?" Jungkook asked taking a seat on the edge of the couch next to a sleepy-looking Hoseok.

"No, they both left early this morning. They were already on their way out when I woke up. I don't know where they went through. They left just when I got down here," Jin informed the younger.

Jungkook nodded. They all did go out on their own, but it was a bit weird for them to leave so early in the morning. They probably just went to pick something up at a store or one of their houses.

"There's food in the kitchen if you're hungry," Hoseok said. "Also are we doing anything today? I couldn't remember if we were or not."

"No, it's just a free day. Although I'm supposed to meet with Si-hyuk-Hyung and Sejin-Hyung to talk about my parents. You guy can stay here though unless you really wanted to come. But most likely you'd just be in my practice room again."

"It's up to you Kook-ah. If you want us to come we will, if not then we'll stay here," Jin said, knowing how Jungkook got when talking about his personal life in front of people.

"I won't drag you guys there. You only have to come if you really want to hang out in my studio or practice room."

"Studio?" Jimin asked. "You would let us in there?"

"Yeah, I mean as long as you don't mess anything up. I'm sure if Yoongi-Hyung went he would be able to pull up songs saved on my music program. Like demos and songs that never made it into albums."

"Can we do that?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, you just have to ask Hyung to go since he knows how to work it," Jungkook smiled at how excited Taehyung looked.

"Hopefully he and Namjoon-ah come back soon then," Jin commented. The other's nodded along, all wanting to see what some demos songs sound like. It's always cool to see what the from versions sound like compared to the actual song that got released.

About an hour passed, before the front door finally opened. In walked both Namjoon and Yoongi both carrying many bags. They walked right past the living room and into the kitchen not saying a word. The others followed behind them and stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

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