•|• Chapter Twenty-Three

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Please welcome our leader, Kim Namjoon, into this story. 


-The same morning, but in Namjoon's life-

"Namjoon-ah!" Seokjin yelled over the phone.

"What?" Namjoon asked.

"Are you telling me you haven't been out of your house in days?" Jin asked.

"That is exactly what I'm saying," Namjoon said.

"This is why I can't leave you alone. I shouldn't have gone on this trip. By the time I get home you're going to be dead," Jin said.

"Yah! I will not be. I know how to take care of myself," Namjoon argued.

"Yah! You know you need sunlight to survive?" Jin asked.

"Well, you're in the mountains when it's snowing all day. I don't think there's any sunlight there," Namjoon said.

"Shut up," Jin said.

"It's true though," Namjoon said smiling.

"Okay anyway, you need to go out today," Jin said.

"What if I don't?" Namjoon challenged.

"Then I will get my ass on a plane and come back to drag you out. Either way you need to go out," Jin said.

"Fine, fine. I'll go shopping today or something," Namjoon said.

"Good. Text me pictures of what you get."

"Yeah, yeah. Talk to you later, Hyung," Namjoon said, hanging up.

Namjoon set his phone down on his coffee table and looked around his living room. He definitely needed to clean his whole apartment. If Jin came back and saw his apartment looked like this, he would get yelled into the next century.

Namjoon knew he needed to get out of the house, but he didn't want to. He didn't have a reason to go out either. Not to mention he didn't want to leave his apartment either. He was perfectly fine with just staying inside. He didn't want to go out and deal with people judging how he looked or the way he acted.

Although, maybe he could go out and buy some albums or something. He knew a few idols comebacks just happened and Namjoon loved collecting albums. Yeah, he could go out and do that.

Namjoon stood up and grabbed his phone, before exiting his apartment. He got into his car and drove to the nearest shops, where he could buy albums. He normally went to the same place and they seemed to sell every album, so Namjoon knew he could count on them.

He parked his car in an open parking space and got out. He walked up to the front of the shop, seeing a sign saying they had new arrivals. He smiled and opened the door walking inside.

The shopkeeper greeted him as Namjoon started making his way to the new arrivals section. He scanned the shelves spotting Jeon Jungkook's new album. He heard mixed reviews about the album saying it was just like all his others. But he had heard some saying it was his best to date. Namjoon grabbed it off the shelf making sure it was in good condition, before looking at all the others.

He ended up with about 5 albums and a few duplicates. He walked up to the counter paying for the items. The shopkeeper put them in a bag and handed it to Namjoon all with his change. Namjoon thanked him, taking the bag and walking back out to his car.

He got in and started it up before heading back home.

He got back inside his apartment and set the bag down the counter. He took a picture of the albums, sending it to Seokjin, letting his friend know he went out today.

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